Any Word!

Any word on possible activity for Township: 18 North Range: 7 West Section: 20?

Husky has started filing paper work for a well in 20.

Thanks for information, Ron.

I have read that Husky Ventures have an intent to drill the "Polar Bear No. 1-20H Well; SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 (SL) of 20-19N-07W. I'm wondering how close to my Township: 18N Range:7W Section 20 Quartering: E2SW, might be. My legal description is copied from my contract with Chesapeake.

I am not at all comfortable with my knowledge of legal descriptions!!

Thanks for your help.


Thanks for info, I'm wondering if you might know If there are any close horizontal wells to my lease and their production?

Ron McKenzie said: