Anyone know what this is?

Sorry....but what is the PBHI?

Probable or proposed bottom hole that the depth they intend to drill?

It is a large new rig , built in Texas and this is its first drill site. It has the ability to lift up and move a small bit and drill again on the same pad, without dismantling the rig. I live about 6 miles north of the site and have cattle pastured withing 1 mile of the site. The apache executive at the meeting in Scobey said the first number of sites would be closed (tight) or some other word for no information released. I think it is to be that way for competetive business interests. People and other business's are watching.

I am a county commissioner and so far I would say that Apache has been very responsive and and good to work with as far as road, interaction with local government and peoples, etc. I wish them well.

Billy Bob Jim Bob said:

If they hit a gusher and decide to lease more land I suppose is one scenario. Another would be to not let their competitors in on what they have learned.

it is my understanding (as from their town hall meeting, and the posting of the schedule in the Daniels County Leader) that they will dirll two exploritory wells from the first pad. Both horizontal wells, the first to the middle bakken formation and the second to the deaper three forks formation.

As a small business owner, I guess I understand wanting to keep your business close to the vest when there's a chance someone could snatch it out from under you. But Shale has maintained they have, if not all, mostly all of the mineral rights locked up in Daniels County. If that's so...doesn't it then become a matter of chest thumping if they hit? What could they be afraid someone will be able to take from them? husband and I are planning a short trip to Scobey next spring (right after Memorial Day weekend) and will be traveling with a travel trailer. I emailed the Chamber in Scobey asking for information on camping areas and haven't gotten any response. For those of you close to the Scobey you know of anything? Thanks.

Scobey Lions club has a travel trailer park at the north end of town. Call Daniels Sheridan Credit Union and ask for Rex.

Bonnie Young said: husband and I are planning a short trip to Scobey next spring (right after Memorial Day weekend) and will be traveling with a travel trailer. I emailed the Chamber in Scobey asking for information on camping areas and haven't gotten any response. For those of you close to the Scobey you know of anything? Thanks.

Thanks for the information Lee. I appreciate it.

New Locations - Horizontal Wells: Daniels Wildcat 019-21151 Apache Corporation Haworth 18-7H-B SHL: SE NE 18-36N-48E (2700 FSL/240 FEL) EL 2433’ GR 30380 PBHL: 11544’ SW NW 18-36N-48E (2291 FNL/200 FWL) Bakken Approved: 10/17/2012