Are you being cheated?

I have worked with Devon over the years and have never heard of any issues with how ethically they treat landowners or business partners. Did you inherit these properties from your late husband or another relative? If the company was not provided the proper title documentation/probate records, they may be suspending payment until they have clear title, which is their right under state law in most states. Each of those companies has a landowner relations hotline which you can find through their main website. If you have your tract IDs or a royalty owner number they should at least be able to identify any hold ups. Good luck!

In the case of Samson, it looks not too good.

This oil and gas business is chicken one day and feathers the next. My how the mighty have fallen.

Hopefully, they will allow the exportation of crude oil soon. That might improve things.

Thank you…

Here is the Sabine story:

This was back in July. Sabine bought Forest Oil, but they couldn't swallow it.

If the Saudis keep dumping, we may see a lot more of these problems.



Hi John, What about 35-13N-5W, is that in the WEHLU ?

Elizabeth: I have little doubt that I have been cheated in unpaid gas payments. Knowing Chesapeake, it would be quite likely. However how would we know if we have been cheated or not? Improperly calculating the price of gas at the well head would mean to me we would have to know what they paid for gas at the well head and then also having to know what the price should have been that they should have paid. Where would that information be and can we get it?

A lot of this doent make sense. I think maybe there are some typos, or dual language author. "they" want you to do all sort of things. First who is "they"? Don't sign anything. They will wait, I assure you.

First you need to research and find out what is exactly yours and or your grandparents. go find records filed (possibly court house, either paper or electronic or if you know the original law firm that assisted your gparents and get the original lease agreement. Even if you seek legal advice , they will need this information.

I have noted that one person has alleged that Sabine has cheated. One complaint is bad, but are there any more? Our royalty payments have declined, but we don't yet know why. It could be a decline in well production. We plan an orderly, unhurried investigation with professional help by experts. One important factor is the great risk that individual(s) in company management would gamble in deciding to steal a part of a landowner's royalty. Royalty is an interest in property that a lessee company never owns any part of. It is the property of the lessor solely. That is established property law and has been recognized by the bankruptcy judge in Sabine's case. So the royalty is not a part of the bankruptcy estate. If a company's executive has ordered the theft of some royalty property, he or she might possibly be charged with grand theft. The Sabine working people I know are good people, and the executives have more reason not to jeopardize the bankruptcy reorganization or risk likely prosecution. If they have ordered the taking of royalty, which I doubt, they will probably do all they can to return it. To act diligently, we will soon proceed with an orderly investigation.

Robert, I believe at least two of us have claimed Sabine is "cheating" us on our royalty payments on this forum. The Sabine "working people" we know are also good people. One of the contract landmen who was laid off (who worked with us and actually hunts for free on one of our tracts), also shared some information with us that I cannot prove and for that reason I will not share on this forum. Maybe Sabine is not cheating us but suddenly 9 months ago, the production records reported to the TRRC and the royalty checks no longer matched up. I will admit we are ignorant trying to read the check stub but production is shown and then subtracted off and then a new number with a lower production number is shown and that is the number calculated plus the fees taken out of each royalty check have increased to 40%. The last four months our email questioning our check has not been answered. We got a call after our first email nine months ago from a lady in owner relations. She sounded like she was reading from a script and said "everyone's checks have dropped because of the drop in commodity prices". However, when we tried to question her about the check, she did not have any answers.

We use a royalty calculator available on the internet to compute our checks and we don't understand why the numbers work with all of the other operators but no longer work when computing the production at Sabine (and Samson to a slightly lesser extent). If you wonder why we don't contact an attorney, there are 11 people in our family sharing in oil and gas royalties and they all expect "Aunt Kathy" to pay for the attorney to get everything cleared up. We have done that in the past, but both my husband and I are retired now and we have limited funds available. Kathy

Hi John: I have learned that I have some minerals in Section 4 Township1 4NR1W. It isn't a large interest but after reading your posts I would be curious to know if this is in the WEHLU. Thanks you for your help.

Jay: Yes it is in the WEHLU, but it is R4W not1W. Are you in the WEHLU? One way or the other I plan to get them out of the WEHLU. We have been cheated to long. I think I may have a way to do that. John

Oh well, my deed reads NE/4NE/4 OF SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 14NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST. Then another paragraph reads 3/80ths interest in Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section 4 Township Fourteen North, Range One West. I don't know if this is the WEHLU.


Republic Resources filed chapter 11 bankruptcy after spending the last 2 years with hit or miss royalty checks. Not surprising. It's a mess. anyone else involved with small producers who are going under?