One of the properties that is for sale is Atascosa county survey A-200. It has some shallow wells too but the deeper formations are unexplored. I'm trying to estimate the value of those deeper formations.
E Unum,
I don't see where any deep drilling has happened in this area. Personal Message sent.
Clint Liles
Clint, I live off of box house rd and fm 3175. All that is around is small shallow wells. Any rumors of any leasing going on? The last I heard Cabot leased up some land around the Rossville area. I am due NW of that about 4-6 miles by the way the bird flys. Thanks, Leavie Mille
Although I live in The Netherlands, as a forum member, I follow it closely, and anything relating to "upper Atascosa" gets my attention. I was initially encouraged to note the interest expressed by Epluribus Unum concering prospects for deep wells south of Somerset, but subsequent postings appear to essentially dash cold water on future potential for this area due primarily to lack of deep well drilling activity in this area since around 1985. My own questions about this same area on the Eagle Ford Forum a year or so ago elicited similar comments. Something like "no EF up here, so you can forget it".
My family owns 664 mineral acres south of Somerset, north of Rossville, Essentially Abstract 570. Access west, off FM 476, via Frazier Ranch Road or Peach Tree Avenue. An original State of Texas 1848 land grant; reserved minerals still in the same extended family. Never drilled on, although an older vertical dry hole ±300 yards from south boundary. South of the old Somerset Oil Field (world's largest shallow oil field in its day), and NE of the Big Foot Oil Field in neighboring Frio County. I like to think that the northern Atascosa still has potential, and perhaps significantly so. In Houston, May of his year, the "Emerging Shale Play" conference included sections on "first mover plays"; ones in which the industry can identify exciting new prospects early, and lease up at lower acreage costs. The potential of the OLMOS and BUDA formations were emphasized. An oval map south of San Antonio encompassed all of northern Atascosa.
A family friend is a renown San Antonio area geologist, with personal involvement in Atascosa County. His recent comments to me: "Olmos....has been producing oil since the 1920s. Small conventional wells, low of the formations now receiving a lot of attention as an excellent candidate for horizontal drilling. The Olmos underlies the entire region south of San Antonio. BUDA: ".... a good limestone now receiving a lot of attention.... all of the wells I know about are to the west of your interests but the Buda underlies the entire area".
The Houston seminar said that fracking is not required in the Olmos, Buda, and Austin Chalk formations, and can cost as little as $2.5 million per well to complete.
This type of drilling activity is already taking place in Frio and Wilson counties, roughly at the same latitude as upper Atascosa. One company says there will be a "Buda oil bonanza in South Texas.
There seems to be new interest in reworking old fields; why not Somerset? Following about a 5 year "dearth" in leasing activity, I've signed three new leases within the past month in Brazoria and Matagorda counties; all related to old fields essentially "written off".
Of these, the most promising is Jetta Exploration, Fort Worth, who've recently spent $4.5 million on a 3-D seismic project at the old West Columbia oil field in Brazoria County. They are drilling 6 wells this year and 7 planned for 2015, and have already completed several new wells from historically "overlooked reservoirs".
In conclusion, I believe there is potential light at the end of the tunnel for those of us in upper Atascosa. Leavie Miller's comment that she understands Cabot has leased in the Rossville area, if this can be "qualified" by some of you nearer than where I am, it might be useful information.
Paris Eugene Smith
Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Would love to lease my 56 acres 3 miles south of poteet off hwy 16 on West side
A good clear 40 acres
Keep me posted as leasing gets closer to the City Limits of Poteet... I have 32 Acres of Minerals; NO Surface...
There has been some leasing interest but not a lot of leases taken in northern Atascosa, southern Bexar. However, I would keep an eye on some of the developments to the northeast of here, where they are branching out of the Eagle Ford in Gonzales County and getting some good results in the Buda and Austin Chalk.
Does anyone know about any Coal that Lessor's were interested in around Poteet about 30 years ago.. This place just West of town was Leased back then and after a certain period was dropped... People out of Dallas... Not familiar with particulars as my Mother was handling all, and we were left with Minerals of the place...
On this map, you can see a wildcat well off to the w-nw of Somerset, and another off to the w-nw of Poteet. There are more off to the east and west. These went down to the Pearsall. Is there any way to get information on these wells? Is there a way to locate them on the Railroad Commission website?
My 10 acres have been permitted to drill (2 Wells). There is a pooling order. What does that mean?
need some information on Mineral Rights reverting back to land owner once O & G company leaves land. I have had several people bring this up to me and suggest I research it.. I have been given a name of a company that will do the research, They have qouted a price of 475.00 per day to do research.... Any suggestions or feedback on this topic.... Acreage in Atascosa County La Parita are 223 Acres.
I think what you are asking is when is land no longer "HBP" that is held by production. You should be able to look that up in the original lease. Often it is stated that after X amount of time with no production from the lease it is finished. you can get ther records for a wells production, or production of the wells on a particular lease, from the Railroad commission. use the gis map viewer and find the wells you are interested in to start your search. there are some articles with explanations on how to find stuff on the RRC website here at the Mineral rights forum
Has there been any activity of any leasing going on in the northern part of Atascosa county? I am approx. 7 miles south east of Lytle and and about 7 miles south south west of somerset. I have 170 acres that is available for leasing.
Does anyone have any information about interest in drilling and developing production in the AUSTIN CHALK in North Eastern Atascosa County. In years past there was a lot of production in the East Pleasanton field east of Pleasanton toward Coughran and Blackhill south of Hwy 97 toward Floresville. Those wells were around 4800 ft and never Frac'd. They produced more than forty years. Much cheaper to drill and produce than the Eagle Ford.
I learned in Sept 2015 that I inherited one mineral acre of a 10 acre track from my mother's estate. I also learned that the other heirs had been contacted by EOG and had signed 3 year leases with a $ 1500 per mineral acre bonus. Most of the heirs signed their leases in 2013, but one signed in 2014. I was never contacted. EOG has since contacted me and I am being offered the same lease with a $ 300 bonus. I have countered asking for what my cousins received. EOG is holding firm with the $ 300 per mineral acre offer. I do not have any knowledge of how the process works, I would like advise regarding next steps. Should I settle for the $ 300 or hold out and hope they come around to the $ 1500?
Be careful here because if you are not the drill site then they can leave you out of the unit. Generally these companies do the "honorable" thing. I can put you in touch with a contract landman with EOG who works this area and see if that helps. Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll introducing you all by email.
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