James this acreage is for sure not producing in paying quanities.
James i dont think i have the original lease, since it was executed by my grandmother.
Billy, the original lease should be on file in the County Clerk's Office.
Ann probably right, but i live just east of Lubbock and i havent looked in my files for the lease, will just hope Devon will drill there, Ann if you have not been to Bridgeport lately you would not recognize the town, Ann i think the underlying formation named the Viola Simpson does not reach as far west in Wise county as my royalty lies. if you didnt know the Viola Simpson is a layer of rock that holds the salt water out of the barnett shale.
Billy, the Viola Simpson produces where I am (S. Oklahoma). I didn't know about it blocking the salt water from B.S. - thanks for the info. I've never been to Bridgeport.
Ann i read in a petroleum mag. that the Viola Simpson was underlying the B.S. and this formation blocked the salt water from the bs. and the viola only covered the eastern half of wise county, which may be true because devon drilled a direct offset from my grandmothers farm into the bs shale but now are producing thw well from the Boonville much shallower than the bs shale.
The viola pinchout (which is the dividing line between the Viola-Simpson formation and the rest, runs accross Wise County north-east of Bridgeport and through Chico. Hope that helps.
James thanks for the response,my intrest is south of Bridgeport 12 miles on salt creek.
James, I'm kinda dense.....do you mean basically a NE triangle part of Wise County has the V. S.?
My minerals are a little SW of Bridgeport.
Ann im afraid you and i are not going to recieve any of the barnett shale in wise county, this observation based on the barnett shale vertical well that Devon drilled across the fence from my intrest, for some reason they came up the hole and are producing the boonville formation,i fear the reason was salt water in the barnett.
My booneville is about all produced out by now. You're probably right, Billy.
I have an old Devon B.S. map showing E of me being the core area, and my area down to yours being B.S. non core area.