Blaine County, OK - General Discussion

I was wandering if there was anything going on for township section 33 13 N 12 W lots 7&8 in blaine county

Section 32 has some OCC cases from Continental for a horizontal well. Section 33 has the Opal well 1-33 well. And also the directional Swaggart 1-33 well. Those are holding the section for now.

I have minerals in Blaine County 3-13N-11W. Beginning last summer I have received OCC pleadings from Devon but can’t find any well data online. The other section involved appears to be 34-14N-11W. Do you know anything about this well(s) or that area? Thank you. Mark

What are the case numbers at the top of the pages? Do they end in roughly 2958 through 2969? Those cases do not have an order yet. No order, no permit…