Cheapest/simplest way to identify current lease document


I worked for years as a software developer and I don’t remember ever telling someone they could not learn to program or that they had to use a professional.


How does asking a question to see if there is a simpler way of doing something, as a learning process, translate to an expectation that things need to be the way I want them to?


Thank you for your efforts and comments. I was under the impression that ORRI and NPRI were the same, just as I thought OGML and OGL were the same. I will see if I can find a source to educate me on the difference. If have mislead others with my questions, I apologize.

Jeff, obviously you can learn how to perform title research to varying degrees and I did not tell you could not learn the practice. My point that many novices are frustrated with the process and confuse issues as well as terms, just like you have done. I provided you with what I deemed to be cost effective and timely solutions. If this was an AORRI, then the OGL should be cited in the Assignment. Use that citation to find the related OGL. Good luck to you.