There is no way to cite an average EUR for any well since there are so many variables that play into this. Lateral length, landing zone, how the well is frac’d, etc all tied to total EUR. And this does not even consider mechanical problems.
These types of wells will probably see a 60 to 80% decline in per day production over the first year and then flatten out over the next couple of years to a low yet steady rate.
Investor presentations will talk about per well EUR’s - normally in terms of BOE (barrels of oil equivalent) where gas is lumped with produced condensate / oil and NGL’s as a single number.
Essentially yes. A bench is a different target zone that is independent of other target zones - so a well / lateral needs to be drilled to tap each target interval.
Delaware Basin has been reported to have up to 5-6 benches depending on the area
Hey there! I got a really low offer in writing ($200/acre) from Thomas Sikes at TAS Royalty in Blk 82, section 24. Anybody know if this is a reputable company? can I counter? Is there anything going on in the area? Thank you!
Your area is 15-20 miles from the nearest recent (last couple of years) drilling activity. The $200 per acre is low but not by much in my opinion. I bet the royalty that they offered you was less than 25%
Is the 58K a bonus to lease? Or an offer to purchase the minerals? Pretty sure Lindley is a broker firm - they are probably working for an operator who wishes to remain secret.
Prices for minerals will vary by area - even in the same county. Culberson has some areas that are very hot and demand high numbers - but also has areas that are as dead as an armadillo in the middle of the road.
There are you minerals location (block? Section? )
Hi, I’am also new to this site. I also own 22.8 acres in culberson county. Might be interested in selling. Just now been getting offers, as we moved, So our mail sometimes get forward to new address. . Any idea’s on what I should Start working with? Lindsey energy also offered 57k.
At this time I see no production or activity for 8 to 10 miles in any direction from your Section 24. To the South and West there are some dry holes that were drilled in the past///possibly 30, 40 or 50 years ago…So no way to tell what formations are in the area.
GIS Map of Culberson County Block 82/Section 24/A-2327 and surrounding area:
I followed up with TAS and they indicated that they finished that program earlier in the year, so i don’t have any offers currently.
I’m just curious where our land is geologically, i.e. is it over the Diablo platform? and how does that affect the access to the Delaware basin? Do we know how far down the oil and NG is in the area? And if anyone is drilling nearby, how can we be sure that they will pay us if they pull from beneath us?
Appears that Charger has drilled at least 6 of their permitted wells in Culberson Co so far - no info on any testing results. Note that you can use the Tx RRC to get info on wells like this once the directional surveys are filed with the state.
Off the top of my head (not at my office), Block 42, Sect 46 and Block 60 Sect 2. These tracts are diagonal and contiguous and at the south end of Charger’s activity…12 miles west of the Reeves county line and 32 miles south of the NM border. Sect 46 is leased to them, while sect 2 is open (for now!).
I Own some Land in Culberston, and hear there may be some development in the not too distant future in Section 16, any other landowners in the same area?