Garfield County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


Did you find a tax # in order to get this information? Did they tell you when the first sales was?

No, what I found was a PUN # mine is 047-214150-0000, yours is 047-214151-0-0000. It gave active dates, just not selling dates. I hope I am interpeting this correctly


OCC has the purchaser name and their number.

That is wonderful that you found the pun#. Now we know at least it’s producing. I think it’s an oil with gas well from everything I am finding out. I have a call in to Devon and see what I can find out.

I talked with one of the guy who is working on my other well and he said it was hooked up, but he didn’t know anything else except the name of the well and where the salt water line went.

Thanks Virginia

Virginia. According to the Oklahoma Tax commission I have a well classified as an oil but also producing gas. Finally moving forward maybe ???

I had read somewhere that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission didn’t list oil sales just gas, so at that point I went to the Oklahoma Tax Commission and pulled it up by the legals. Found yours and mine. Hopefully during the Corporation hearing on Tuesday 9-16, they do judge upon the ration of the payables.

The Oklahoma Tax Commission’s website also lists who is buying the oil and gas. I noticed on one of our wells the oil buyer changed. They hopefully get a better deal than the one before.

M D,

I have found that some of the oil companies change buyers a lot and other just keep the same buyers. Sometimes a person get a better price, other times it goes down. We have to remember that gas pipeline are always changing hand or being flipped and that can make a differences.

You stated that a person can read the digital meters at the well site, I guess I haven’t studied them yet, I may have to call you and have you explain all the reading to me. Thanks for the information.

Maybe you should set up a class on reading meters for a small fee, might as well make the most we can. And I know what you mean about they can only come when it rains, I think they like to see how much damage they can do to the land sometimes.

M. D.

Thanks for the information. I will have to check it out, now that I know what to look for. Hate to hear they spray on a windy day and you lost some of your crop. Guess that is better than having weeds 10 feet high like the telephone companies does. Hit a telephone box when I was brush hogging and it cost me $2500, plus my neighbors lost their phone services for a few days. One of the problems with using ground sterilant is the ground will wash. Guess that is another price we have to pay to get those checks, just hope the oil checks are worth a person while.

Thanks again.

Deborah. If they have sales figures on the Oklahoma Tax Commission’s website, it should be producting. However, they are quite a few months behind on posting the figures.If it is listed with no figures it is at least set up. It will should have gas sales every month and oil when they sell a load. It is also interesting to see the tax break they get as it is listed too. When you do a search do not put in any dates just the legal. Then if you know the name of the well just click on it. Sorry to inform everyone but I haven’t seen a paper gas chart in years. It is electronically transmitted like your electricity useage. No one comes around to read a gas chart just as nobody reads electricity meters any more. The good thing is if you know how to do it you can automatically read how much gas it made today, yesterday, for the month and year. Some have the level of oil in the tank and how much it produced in oil the same as gas. Pretty cool for us these days except for the guys who used to read the charts. They always seemed to pick up the charts after a rain and were getting stuck. I finally had to start charging to pull them out of the diches as my time and tractors are worth something and they usually got real muddy!

Virginia I will give it to you for free. On top of the gas loop of the well usually near the separator, this is a cream colored box most likely with a solar panel on top. Just walk up to that box and press the button on it. It will start scrolling through a list of information. The date, the time , temp, gas pressure, yesterday’s volume (in MCF) today’s volume, and I believe the total during the life of the well. If I remember correctly, it does not give the monthly volume, but I will have to check as I am sure there is something I missed. Be ready when you press it as the information scrolls by pretty fast. It will however keep repeating for quite a while. You do nat have to press to exit. Now here is the kicker. The new meters on our wells ar pretty much the same but it has the tank levels, and some other info. About a month ago Plymouth added meters on top of the tanks so the pumper does not have to always climb the tanks to guage it. There is a large computer box in front of the gate to the tank battery and I haven’t researched that one yet. If I get over to look around sometime, I will see what info it reports. Usually on top by the solor panel, there is an antenna. I am unsure if maybe the pumper turns in the numbers if they are not transmitted. I know they try to write it down when they are there. If you feel this information is worth a nickel, please remit. Hahahahah Oh, and they always hire someone to spray ground sterilant when the wind is blowing strong. Lost several feet of farmland that way!

Sorry about my spelling Virginia, but I mean they added transmitters on top to send info to the main computer on the ground. A friend of mine told me some companies have those levels tansmitted to a control room so they can shut the well in if the tank is about to run over. I think pumpers may be getting scarce.

My brother in law visited with some one today and was told division orders would be out in November, we will see.

Section 27 21n 3w rescheduled from 6/17 till this Friday, I think we are seeing progress made as I type. May not be big but there is something, or atleast I think so!

I meant 9/17/2014.

Garfield: SandRidge Exploration & Production, LLC; Cara 2406 No. 1-6H Well; SE1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 (BHL) of 06-24N-06W; 53 barrels oil per day, 255,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,424.

SandRidge Exploration & Production, LLC; Eddie 2407 No. 1-1H Well; NE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4 (BHL) of 01-24N-07W; 37 barrels oil per day, 323,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,720.

SandRidge Exploration & Production, LLC; Thomason 2305 No. 1-2H Well; S1/2 S1/2 S1/2 SW1/4 (SL) of 02-23N-05W; 74 barrels oil per day, 530,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,450.

SandRidge Exploration & Production, LLC; Thomason 2305 No. 2-2H Well; SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 (SL) of 02-23N-05W; 161 barrels oil per day, 1,252,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,384.


I just got an email from Devon and they said the well in 26-23 went on line July 26. They were getting ready to do a title search so they could get a division order out. Still don’t know what it makes, etc.

Virginia, I guess the old phrase, it is what it is, fits us. This is my 1st and only well involvement and I know you are more experienced at it. Has it ever happened many times in your past that a well went all the way to division orders and you had no idea what so ever what it was producing?

Virginia, looked at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission today and ours are finally listed as completed. Didn’t make me very happy but it is what it is. They can’t grow oil and gas under us. ha.


Most people never know what the test of the well is. It’s only after they get the checks for about 1 year that they have some idea what the well may produce. I have seen the test on wells really bad, once the water comes back, the well is good. Others, test good, but within a few days they are almost gone. So don’t think about it for awhile and you will be O K. If you are lucky, you may get your first check in Dec, hope it will be a nice Christmas gift. I am hoping mine don’t come till Jan.