Pam, I’m not sure. We thought it was the best answer for us at the time. It is working for us now but i don’t know how it will impact our Grandkids later on.
Pam, this link might give you a map to use.
Lynden, thanks. I actually do have that map, just not sure how to place everything on it-but I’ll figure it out! Meanwhile, my brother found an old royalty statement from Merit which refers to the NE Purdy Sand Unit [NEPSU]and also to NETHU-do you know what that one is?
Ron, yes, repeated 5 times, each dif. letter-number: B-3B, B-4, C-2, C-3, C-4.
Lynden, thanks I see that. So even though both NETHU’s and NEPSU’s are listed in the same statement you feel they both refer to this area?
Pam the NETHU is Merit’s Co. well I.D., the other locates it in the unit . the Co.'s have changed many times but the little # stays the same .
Pam the bigger black #'s in the bigger squares are the sections. then the range R3N,R4W and township T3N,T4N on the outside . 7-2n -3w will look like the other just change the #, it is not in a unit like the others are in with little #s in little squares
Pam, look at the map from Ron and you will be able to place each well in a quarter section of sec 21. The top of the grid has the A,B,C grid and the right hand side has the 1,2,3 and 4.
I don’t know what NETHU is. Maybe a typo. The H however is for Hart as you can see at the top of exhibit A.
Welcome Andrew,
Hope they acknowledge you
Pam Does that NEPSU have a letter-number after it.
Ron, thanks for that clarification. I called Merit today but person I need to speak with won’t be in 'til next week.
I plotted 21-4N-4W etc on graph paper, then transferred it to the map you faxed me! Then at the bottom there was room to add 7-2N-3W etc so I can see them both on one piece of paper. Doing that helped me understand a lot-all you guys have been so helpful-thanks so much!
Now, I need to get the tracts in Lincoln Cnty mapped-!
Andrew, my interests are in the west only. Did you get a response from anyone in your area? Laura
Found out it is Newfield looking to lease from us in Sec. 07-2N-3W.
Pam, this would be better conducted via email or privately over the phone.
An entity is not necessary at all, if you don’t want it. You will need an Affidavit of Death and Heirship and if you ever decide to sell you may need a probate. The gas company may require a probate before they pay.
Thanks Matthew.
Pam, yes you ca transfer those mineral rights your father left to you to a Trust, LLC or some other entity of your creation or already created. You may not need a Texas lawyer just a deed form from the County Clerk’s office and the legal description on your deed. However, an attorney will make sure you do it right.
Not exactly, but that is the deed that would establish your claim to the minerals in Denton County. I am not licensed in Texas however.
Laura, I have not seen any responses as of yet. Thanks for asking… So, new question. Does anyone know how to check for new permits filed with the state for intent to drill?
I’m assuming there is a step we need to take to secure that claim in TX?
Down the road, would it be possible to get those mineral rights into the same pkg [Trust, LLC, whatever] as the ones in Garvin & Lincoln Cnties? Do we need a lawyer in TX for that?
Andrew, Check out the Oklahoma Corporation Commission web site. I believe you can find permits. You can search the data base by well names, operators & more.