Snues, we were talking Red River, not that there were no bad wells, in the Bakken formation, the Tyler formation, the Deadwood formation which from all the information I could gather was likely to be gas only and the Three Forks. In a large part of the Bakken all you have to do is drill the well competently and the success rate is 99% and people have gotten spoiled.
The success rate in the Red River in GV county would have had people jumping for joy 20 years ago and I see no reason to blame experimental wells in other formations and initial mechanical failures on the Red River formation. Or calling expired permits dry wells.
There are more good Red River wells than there are bad in recent history above the 20,000 series and it’s still early days. I think if you are going to Poo Poo the Red River today, you probably would have done the same for the Bakken farther east 15 years ago. I see no reason to be pessimistic about the Red River at the moment and I think there is some reason for optimism.
Geradld, tor a $25 subscription to the NDRIN Recorders Network, you could search for all leases and memorandum of leases in that legal description. They take credit cards. Wnen you have found what you want, be sure to cancel the subscription so it does not become a recurring charge.
Drilling permit for Whiting in Golden Valley, listed October 1 in the Daily Report:
WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, LARDY 44-6, SESE 6-140N-104W, GOLDEN VALLEY CO., 1040’ FSL and 940’ FEL, WILDCAT, WILDCAT, ‘Tight Hole’, 2820’ Ground, API #33-033-00351 #29563 - STATOIL OIL &
with the lardy name, I thought maybe they were going to drill nearby the dry hole one, previously drilled by petro-hunt. I think whiting bought out petro in the gv area. I see its a different t/r all together.
NDIC File No: 25638 API No: 33-033-00333-00-00 Well Type: OG Well Status: DRY Status Date: 10/11/2013 Wellbore type: Vertical Location: SWNW 24-139-105 Footages: 1855 FNL 660 FWL Latitude: 46.841629 Longitude: -103.878325 Current Operator: PETRO-HUNT, L.L.C. Current Well Name: LARDY 139-105-24B-3-1 Elevation(s):** 2885 GL ** Total Depth: Field: WILDCAT Spud Date(s): 7/31/2013 Casing String(s): **9.675" 1877’ ** **5.5" 8283’ ** Completion Data Pool: TYLER Comp: 10/11/2013 Status: DRY Date: 10/11/2013
Robert, I see that I had misunderstood the “red river” formation, when I saw the dry hole posting, I was just thinking of dry holes within that beach area.
Our lease with Empire Oil expires this month. Has anybody had recent contact from them or a renewal? If so, were the terms less, equal or greater than previously?