Aubrey, if you have nothing with a legal description, you might try calling the county courthouse in Beach. Presumably “Viel-Dynes” were surnames of families which owned that property. A local in the courthouse may recognize the names and be able to help you determine the location.
Zeb, that is a fair write up on Chesapeake. The company has plenty of problems (primarily $2 gas with their gas/oil ratio, heavy debt load, and SEC inquiry). Yet in my opinion their stock (CHK) is so beaten down that it is probably a very good speculative play. Looking ahead a few years it is likely an easy double (with plenty of volatility in between). Though with their mounting problems I wouldn’t be shocked to see them being acquired for their assets. However even though I might buy a few shares, if they want to lease you, be sure to get the check cashed as quickly as you can.
We also have a message from Robert Moore but we did not get all of his phone #. If you could send to us we see what his offer is and share it.
Whiting if VERY interested in section 26. They have recent stakes (June 2012) on 26, 27. Plus a new well right next to Maus called Riechoff is up and pumping VERY well. Riechoff is right off the road of county 11, Maus is directly behind it. They are staking to the north of Maus in just about every section going north plus 26 and 27 south. About 12 rigs will go in sometime in the future. They have opened a office in Beach next to the old hospital which they are trying to purchase for rig housing. It is very hush hush for now but something is going to happen soon. Alot of leases in that area are due to expired next year so they may try to extend the leases… Remember the bonus money is just bait money the real money is in royalty percent.
Let me know what kind of offer you get, and send Robert Moore’s #.
I recently toured those sites mlh and a few others nearby, some of these sites have, due to the rough terrain, been more costly to construct access roads… the neighboring landowners have been signing leases and the right of way established for three phase power down the middle of the sections that are scheduled for development. The pump jacks are running on generators until the power grid can be completed. The pipeline grid is also progressing tho not as quickly. There are two wells a few miles east and a bit south that have just recently hit as free flowing and will not require a pump jack for a while and the pump jacks that are being placed are small ones indicating to me that the red river pressures are very good. I enjoyed the trip a great deal and learned a lot. There are offers made in several sections pending and yes, there will be several leases due to expire in the near future and it is apparent to me that the infrastructure and topography are the defining issues in terms of any development timelines Whiting has. Over all I was very impressed with the ease of access to the records in the recorders office and the staff was very helpful.
Yes I agree Zeb. Beach is a very friendly town. I also visited with many land owners and neighbors in that area. County 11 road has been recently repaired, to meet the need for the future need for pump power. They are digging skoal on the Maus farm to sell for the rig pads. The new Rielchoff well is right off the road and 26 has new stakes close to the road as well as 27. Land owners have been told that they are on a waiting list to get the drilling equipment in to drill on 26 and 27. All very exciting!! Which sections do you have minerals ?
Sorry if I missed it but what Township and Range are you referring to below? Much thanks.
much thanks. I need them to head south east though. In 140-104. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Gerald, “mlh” is referring to 141-104.
FYI, over the past couple of years…
3 wells drilled in 141-104, currently no permits.
6 wells drilled in 141-105, one new permit (sec 27).
142-105, one new permit (sec 32).
143-105, one dry hole (sec 35), one permit (sec 36).
This is the rumor I heard that they do not Frack a Red River Horizontal. I understand the vertical Red River well will be drilled around a Horizontal well. When the Vertical well go dry they can inject and force oil to the Horizontal well. If this is the case there should be a lot of wells
Any news on Katherine file #23533 location 141-104 section 23 ?
MLH, spud date of 9-26-2012 for the Katherine. It would be really early for any news yet. Probably be at least 6 months or more before we know anything.
mlh, here is an update on Katherine file 23533. Still on confidential, but they’ve had oil run sales. looks promising.
Monthly Sales Data:
I believe the Katherine well was only pumping for two weeks in Dec.
Per Whiting’s 2012 earnings news release from last week;
The Katherine well produced at a rate of 593 BOE on Dec. 17, 2012. I assume that was the initial production date. If so, 8,329 bbls over the balance of the month (Dec 17 thru Dec 31) is very good production especially for a Red River vertical well.
The other item which caught my eye was their statement “We’ve identified more than 50 Red River prospects using 3-D interpretation… We are currently shooting 3-D on the NW portion of the Big Island to identify additional prospects.”
Do any of you in the area know where they’ve shot 3-D, and where they are currently shooting it? I’d be curious to know. Thanks.
Still looking good on Katherine well.
Monthly Sales Data:
The last time, I out to see the Katerine and the Reickhoff they added two exta oil tanks for a total of 6 oil and 2 water tanks. Whiting has been using 3-D for a long time. I believe that’s how they found out about the Red River D. What stood out for me was the Horizontal wells going to be drilled on 141-104-24 and 21. Whiting is still saying they are looking for multiple zones.
Thanks for the Katherine information
The Camel Hump Oil Field has three producing wells that produce 800 bopd. The Pleinis well is waiting for a workover rig.
Just signed lease with Empire Oil for Whiting O &G on new well they are about ready to drill. Interests in Sec 26 &27 141-104. Terms: $600/acre bonus, 3/16 royalty, 3 yr term.
A family member got $750.00 last March with 20% royality. We were by a attorney in Dickinson to top lease for $1200/21.5%. I guess Whiting has a new player in that area 141-104. Did they say when they are expecting to drill ?
Does anyone know anything about this area: Section 7 in Township 140 North, Range 105 West? Any leasing going on? Any oil production near?