I am no expert on this; but, I did hear the Oklahoma Governor speaking on Fox Business Varney this morning and she said that Oklahoma is the most conservative/Republican state and that in the last Presidential election Obama lost all 77 Counties. With that said they do still some Democrats; but, the majority of them are still moderate to conservative in their thinking and most of them just stayed home. This time around only 22% of the Democrats even went to the polls to vote and since Bernie is very soft on Oil, he got the few votes that the Democrats cast. Obviously they aren't in love with Hillary!
I've recently been made aware that Oklahoma has a history of democratic socialism. Surprise!
Also, there are a lot of folk concerned about the earthquakes in Oklahoma, and concerned about fracking. Sanders is seen by many as more likely to push for curtailing fracking than Hillary.
If you like the post office, then you will love FOGCO (Federal Oil and Gas Company).
Buddy Cotten
We are not talking about the taking of mineral rights as being the crux, in my opinion. It would be very easy for him to promote a clean energy agenda where no fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) could be produced -- or the cost for compliance would be so high that companies would have to quit exploration in the US.
There is more than one way to cripple our energy industry and the people that benefit from it.
Buddy Cotten
Yep and then throw in the extended reach of the Clean Water Act that the EPA and the Corp of Engineers have tried to push down our throats. If that ever reaches the final law stage, the EPA will basically have our land, surface and minerals, sewn up. Both, Hillary and Bernie will have that on their front burner. Then for good measure throw in their love for fraccing.
If anyone is still wondering who will be the most friendly candidate to the production of oil, doubt no more!
So the Wilks brothers made a pot of money in the fracking business from 2002 to 2011 when they sold out. The one is a preacher so they probably support Cruz because of his supposedly Christian values. As entrepeneurs, that does not mean they support the oil and gas business as they are no longer in the business as I understand the articles. They have moved their money to Montana in other investment arenas. Maybe some of the readers of this forum who live west of Dallas know about their maneuverings. If so, it would be great to hear your thoughts on these guys from Cisco, TX.
I have reviewed both the Trump and Cruz websites....Cruz is specific on energy plans but Trump has no area on his website regarding energy that I have found. Have any of you found a Trump policy paper or the like regarding energy?