Inherited Mineral Rights Value

I don’t know your offer, but i would NOT sell. EOG has plans to drill that area. If there is an option period…which I think they had on all their leases in that area you would be getting another $1200/acre in 2 years which is $82,000. An example of royalty on your 68 acres…say in a 1200 acre unit/pool that 1 well averages 300 barrels per day first year at $70 / barrel and 22% royalty you would get $95,000 the first year alone…this size of unit could have up to 6 wells…so $565,000 just the first year on these wells alone…this is assuming you have 100% of the mineral rights for the 68 acres. If you need the money desperately…then I always figure $5000/acre minimum which would be $340,000…but I would hold these. Matrix is drilling 4 new units bordering you place on the west as we speak…and EOG has committed 5 billion to this area alone…they are starting on the south play by US90A hallettsville-Shiner road, and another 1288 acre unit on the north end of their play close to moravia/Breslau that will go up in October. This well is a test for the upper Eagleford, lower eagleford and Austin Chalk…they are doing 3 wells on this unit back to back… Looks like they have about 25-30 units 35,000 acres to drill out,.,and will be using 2-5 rigs coming in shortly…Also looks like just lower Eagleford wells on the southern end of the play…