Lea county, Sections 32,33,34-18s-32e?

Looking in to information regarding activity in Lea county, section 32,33,34-18s-32e ?

No specific new activity in those sections, but Mewbourne has horizontal permits in 29/30. Avant drilled horizontals in 35/36. There are active older wells in 32,33, 34.

Avant and Matador, and maybe even EGL, have both filed (competing, it appears) compulsory pooling filing for those sections. In 2024. Avant applied for Fed permits to the BLM (Lobo Loco 34 wells) in Sec 33 and 32.

Not sure if this qualifies as “activity”, but it’s definitely posturing that something will happen there in the next 24-36 months. Some zones work up there, you should assume it will eventually get drilled by someone.