Logan County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


Try this link and enter Case 201300132.

Click on the first “Application” [ID 4343100]. You should find a hearing notice for horizontal spacing and a list of royalty owners as an exhibit. Perhaps you are the Todd listed at No 15 in Edmond. In any case, The Attorney’s phone number is in the first paragraph


Ooops, here is the link:


Also is it strange to expect that Devon or any oil company every now and then would update u as to what is going on and i mean that seriously, really dont know what to expect. I just play telephone tag with Jack Rayburn with Devon it seems and never get any real answers when i am actually able to speak to him.

Todd, as operators learn more, they will often go back to extend a play a bit farther than it was known before. They needed to get 25 spaced-probably an oversight from earlier. The good news for you is that they just announced a completion for the well in 25 so you should have a check in about four-six months. It is in the Woodford. It is spaced at 640 acres, so that is why all owners in the section will get paid. Maybe eventually, they will do what they are doing in other sections. They drill one horizontal well to hold the reservoir by production and see how it does, then they come back in a couple of years and drill several more wells in parallel fashion to fill out the rest of the section. See the Stephens forum if you want some pictures. Go back about a week and see the ones I posted there.

M Barnes thank you, was wondering on the completion report if you scrolled down to the bottom or 4th page and noticed the diagram of the wells in 23,24,25,26?

No doubt Virginia the state is making a bundle from these oil companies and they have completely destroyed what descent roads we had and finished off what was left of the bad ones. And I’ve been told but don’t know if it’s true that monies where set aside for this, if so wonder if they will fix them, I’m thinking not but I hope I’m wrong.

Cod someone please post pooling order and completion report for well in sec. 26-19N-2W?

On the production rates posted on OCC for the Devon wells I am wondering if this is the first months average rates. I followed my well’s production pretty closely. The first two weeks of production the well was unloading all the frac water and so the rate was about 100bbls per day. After two weeks, the well started coming on and was making around 800 bbls per day for the first week, and then settled down to around 500 per day. This included many hours of being shut in because more than one well was coming on at the same time, and filling the tanks. This shut all the wells in for up to 12 hrs. Also after they stopped flaring gas and started selling it, the rate dropped down on all the wells because of the back pressure of the gas pipeline. So I guess what I am saying is that don’t get disappointed if your initial flow rate is 100 or 200 bbls per day as it may include the unloading time, and the shut down time included in a monthly average.

Todd They are just saying that because thay have done that spacing in 30 they should do in 25 also. Once you lease they don’t have to tell you anything . It is public record and you’ll know what you got when you get your check is the way they look at it .

ok thanks Ron i have a hard time with some of the legal oil and gas terminology on the public records guess the best thing to do is wait and see whats on the check stub, and go from there.


The answer is simple. The oil company can hold 1280 A with this spacing and not have to pay another bonus.

If you look at the last spacing order, do it say multi-unit spacing? What Devon is doing now is spacing 2 section together. Then it’s 1280A. (2 miles) They drill the well in the far end of #1 section, Then they only have one pad, tanks sets, etc. But, they also drill in the #2 section. If a person is lucky they will shot the same amount of holes in each section and the length will be the same. Then everyone in these 2 section will divide 50 - 50. It doesn’t matter if you are in the NW 4 (160) of #1 section of the SW 4 (160) of #2. It’s all the same. It does cost less for the investors, so they are suppose to drill more wells in these combined sections. I will have to see that done first before I believe it.

So they space #1 for 640A, then #2 for 640 A. Go back for Multi-unit spacing and you don’t have much to say. At least I haven’t found anything I can do. If someone has figured out something I would sure like to know. It maybe a good deal if the neighbor has more oil, but what if you have the oil???

What terms are you not understanding on public records? Maybe someone on the forum can answer that for you.

WH stands for Woodford H.

MH stands for Miss. H.

Yes thank you M Barnes!that’s what I was wondering about these 2 wells in 25 and 26 are running parallel to each other 1500 feet apart.

Sorry I mean case # to pooling order and completion report? thanks.

http://imaging.occeweb.com/OG/Well%20Records/1DD1BEB5.pdf this is for 25. It started in 23.

http://imaging.occeweb.com/OG/Well%20Records/1DD1BEC0.pdf this is for 26. It started in 23 as well.

Note that the proposed well track is dated 7/13, and is the pre-drill track. Four wells were drilled from one pad in 23.

Pooling CD 201302509 Order 611898

http://imaging.occeweb.com/AP/Orders/OCC4375765.PDF for 25

Pooling CD 201302104 Order 613296 for 26


Thanks M Barnes

Logan: Devon Energy Production Co. LP; Fuxa 24-19N-4W No. 1MH Well; NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 (BHL) of 24-19N-04W; 656 barrels oil per day, 875,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,908.

Best to go opposite of the vertical wells, but they can do it either way. If the vertical well is producing in a different horizon it would not matter much. If the vertical well was not a good producer in the same horizon due to mechanical difficulty, then it wouldn’t matter. Otherwise, if a good well, you wouldn’t want to frac too close to it, probably at least 300 feet away.

Good News: An agreement has been reached that will allow work to resume on expansion of the Panama Canal. Today, The Wall Street Journal reports that the deal will allow for the $5.2 billion project to be completed by the end of 2015. The U.S. is the passageway’s biggest customer and will allow the U.S. to start exporting liquefied natural gas to Asia from ports on the eastern side of the U.S. Also, The U.S. Energy Information Administration says U.S. oil production in 2013 grew by nearly 1 million barrels a day, to 7.46 million barrels a day. This was the sharpest annual increase of all time, to the highest production level since 1989.


My Mom is selling me her portion of mineral rights in Logan Cty. She has shared interest with her Sister of 40 acres. We just found out about these last year. Any idea of how to place a value on her portion. The acres are undeveloped & not leased to anyone at this time. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

The offer you received from the Oil company is a good starting point. You just need to get it out of your Mom’s name so Medicare can start paying for her care.