Lubbock County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

The sub itself rents for over $50,000 per month. The electrical hookup will cost at least $10,000. The monthly electricity bill will be at least $10,000. The water hauling of 1000 bbl per day will be $3,000 per day or $90,000 per month. Total it all up and the experiment will cost north of $160,000 for the first month alone. Good luck.

Yes, my family had land that Shell drilled on in the Yellow House Canyon area and the well produced 70 barrels of water per day and 10 barrels of oil per day. That is pretty common from what I have heard from a couple of oilmen. Yes, you may get a well that produces 100 to 200 bbl oil per day, but you are just as likely to get water.

Just talked to the company man for Forge. They are still evaluating the sub on the Teal. They will make a decision after Christmas.

Something is wrong on the Santo well near Posey. Drill pipe in derrick for days with a wireline truck on location. Twisted off drill pipe? Lost intermediate? Something wrong.

With drilling rig still on well, Halliburton coiled tubing rig with crane at the Santo well near Posey . Very weird. Lost logging tool? If it was stuck pipe they would just go around it but this is weird.

Forge Teal is nothing but crystal clear water. Feel sorry for the investors of Forge!!!

A friend of mine is supplying water at Posey , they stopped the water and told them it is dry. Norton is drilling 1 north & 1 west of Union. It set up Friday.

Hello Lonnie Paul,

When you say “1 north & 1 west of UNION”, what county? Lubbock, Terry, etc ???


Santo well at Posey, does not have production casing sticking up only intermediate casing. Still question about the whole process. Either true dry hole or mechanical problems prevented running production string.

Lubbock discussion, Lubbock County

I’ll see what I can find out.

Santo got themselves another dry hole. Rig moving out today. Hope they do not get discouraged easily.

Have any of the lease extensions (3 year term with option of 2 year extension) negotiated in 2010 been picked up by the oil companies? Have not heard of any at all. Seems they have all lost faith in Lubbock, Lynn County areas at the moment.

We have a 3 year lease with KEW for 640 acres in Lubbock County that expires in July. They have informed me that they do not intend to renew. Anyone else have land leased to KEW? Any other drilling companies active in Lubbock County?

Noticed o 6/20/2014 that completion report for the Ratliff and Preston wells were filed by Enduro Resources.

If I was a gambling person I would say that leases will be allowed to expire and not renewed. Anyone heard of any leasing activity?

You have to find oil in copius quantities for drilling to continue

Hope you are right Ralph. Haven’t they had the infrastructure in the permian basin for many years now? Landover, I’m not sure what you meant by “They didn’t bring in the Big Cahuna that would be required to support further drilling.” Halliburton was supposed to have some big regional development center in Brownfield completed by 2012 or 2013 and the fact that they are not even hardly getting started tells me that not much drilling is going to take place in those counties period because Halliburton makes much of its money servicing oil fields. No oil field, no need for service, no Halliburton…

Infrastructure has nothing to do with anything in Lubbock County.

There is very little oil here, period.

No one has discovered any big oil.

Wake Up.

You know, looking back on the drilling results of the past 2 or 3 years in the Lubbock area and Terry and Lynn, it does make you wonder what kind of marijuana the geologist was smoking that day when he reached the conclusion that the Permian Basin oil formations stretched 200 to 300 miles that included through Lubbock County? That conclusion was just so counter-intuitive to what most of us West Texans who grew up in this area had been told and had experienced. And now our intuition that there was no way that the Permian Basin formations and their production zones actually extended through Lubbock County have been proven correct…sad to say…