OSHA is expanding their office in Lubbock and the reason given Oil and that Lubbock will double its population by 2020. Wow that is only six years from now. What do they know?
LOL...b rieger, are you sure that OSHA predicted Lubbock's population will double by 2020....If that is true, then it sounds to me like someone at OSHA has been smokin' some wacky weed they got in Colorado.
I found this online. b rieger seems to be correct! http://ohsonline.com/articles/2014/06/17/osha-expands-lubbock-office.aspx
Thank you for the article posting Klingman. I just read the article and I guess it is going to keep a bunch of OSHA inspectors busy keeping track of all those wells that are coming up "dry holes" in Lubbock, Lynn, and eastern Terry counties...LOL...I mean you go to the Texas Railroad site and look at the wells in their GIS viewer for those three areas and the results are very discouraging and then combine that with Shell Western trying to sell ALL of its leased acreage in those counties, you just have to wonder what OSHA is thinking or is there data that reveals a different picture than all of these dry holes over the past 3 years.
I hate to say it, but your right Robert. The reality of it looks dim, but there is always hope. Raw and Harness have just surveyed over 200 sq. miles combined in that same area, so "hopefully" there is something more to the story than what is reported at the RRC.
Hi Josh. In the article, I find it interesting that OSHA predicts the population of Lubbock will double by the year 2020, but OSHA gives no data to support their claim, and nor does OSHA give a link to a source that would lead the reader to the study that produced those results. OH MY....I just realized why OSHA said Lubbock's population will double between now and 2020. OBAMA and HOLDER are going to declare that Texas and Mexico are now one state and that there is no such thing as illegal immigration and then 200 million Mexicans will immediately move into West Texas....LOL
After reading the article, I think it makes sense. It is not talking about the town of Lubbock but the Lubbock region of OSHA, which covers 70 counties from the Permian Basin to Amarillo. Obviously there is an oil boom in this large region, and expecting the population of the entire region to double isn't that much of a stretch given the tremendous growth in Midland/Odessa recently. Lubbock is lucky to be the OSHA headquarters of this region and will benefit considerably in many ways from the boom even if most of the oil and gas production is further south or north.
Lubbock county, Enduro Resources just filed the completion reports for the wells Ratliff and Preston. They were declared shut in producers. Why? I wonder it has taken a long time on these wells. I also noticed that logs declared confidential. I did not see anything else that helps on the completion reports but I do not understand the reports in an excellent manner.
Hi rieger. I believe that under Texas RR guidelines, that the results can be declared confidential for up to 2 years following the well completion if the drilling company makes a request to keep the results confidential. That does not mean that the RR commission will automatically approve the request for confidentiality, but the producer can at least file the request with the commission.
Thanks Robert I will do some checking. Why would a company declare a shut in producer instead of a dry hole?
http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/osha/OSHA20141097.htm This is the news release which I read. Should have posted thanks all who did post a similar article. This one has a little additional information
Hi b rieger. A shut in producer is usually a label that gets put on a drilled well that they are planning to abandon, but they just have not plugged the well at this time. They probably have other projects that they are dealing with at this time and are too busy to plug the hole. Either way, shut in producer or dry hole....it sucks!
Robert there was one more statement: CIBP at 7504 pending evaluation.
Do you know what the CIBP refers to? You are correct so far it sucks. But I also know that oil companies play a lot of different strategies now days. This well was drilled in2/2013 and they have done several things off and on. The well actually came in flowing and then all of a sudden frac.
CIBP is a cast iron bridge plug. I am still new to this, but don't they do this to find out if the oil is flowing from different levels or pools????
Does anyone know of Shell Oil was every able to sale their acreage in Lynn County? Are your acreage being released or are the companies letting them come back to you?
Hello...I am looking to lease and/or buy 5-10 acres of land, preferably off a major highway or county road for the purpose of possibly obtaining a permit for a saltwater disposal well. Three (3) phase nearby would be a huge plus. Please text/call Tim Terry at 512-791-2499
Contacted Shell and was told that our leases would not be renewed and/or any options to extend wouldn't be exercised. Any producers/landmen out there interested in minerals located in Block A-1, 12, or 5?
Hi I am new to discussions. I own mineral rights in Dawson and Lynn counties. I am looking to sale a hundred acres of mineral rights from each county. Does anyone know who I would contact?
Anything going on in Lynn County? Heard Santo Pet. was doing something in the area, but going slow. Frank
Smith Energy is drilling two near New Moore, Block O