McClain Mineral Owner

Welcome to the forum. I assume you mean 5N-3W and 6N-4W.

1-5N-3W. Yes there has been production. Depending upon your acreage description, you might have an active well or not. Your acreage might be in the Flint Creek Unit. Form 1000 is a permit, 1002A is completion and 1003 is plug and abandon. You can scroll through the wells and find operator changes-Form 1073.

If you just inherited, make sure that your name and address and title documents are properly filed in the county courthouse of McClain. If you are also part of the Cherokee tribe, check with their mineral affairs group and see what you need to do with them to have clear title. You may have to deal with the Bureau of Indian affairs as well. An additional layer of complication.

36-6N-4W Definitely Stay on top of this one. You have several potential horizontal wells here. Use the magnifying glass in the upper right corner and type in Whetstone to follow that topic area. BIA may be involved in this one as well.