Mineral interest

I was teasing you about the invoices.

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Hi Charles, unlike me that knows very little, you seem to be 'hip' about Reeves Co. Can you tell me if anything is happening near Section 75, Block 13, H&GH RR Survey? Thanks, Tom

Good Morning Thomas,

Charles may be out of town doing some landman legwork as he is generally very prompt about responding to questions. Possibly I can answer your question. I see on the GIS Map that Apache has 8 approved locations for wells to the west and southwest of your Section 75. One of those locations is next door in Section 60.

GIS Map of Reeves County Sec. 75/Blk. 13 and surrounding area:


Clint Liles

Thanks Clint! That's exciting! Tom

Hey Boys!

Tom, take a look at the attached. There are 13 Wells either Permitted, Being Drilled or Producing in your general area.

Some of the producers appear to be older conventional wells 3-1/2 to 4 miles to the northeast which don't indicate anything to me in relation to your property, but the rest are south, southwest and west of you and much closer in.

Apache appears to have 6 Wells under a "Drilling In Progress" Status, so they must be pretty excited about your area.

The Well next door to you that Clint mentioned is the Breithorn No. 2H, which was Spudded in August 1st. That's the Well to watch.

If you will remind me every few weeks, I will check for updated information on it's progress.

Hope this helps -


804-AREAWELLS.pdf (207 KB) 805-4238935183APACHEBREITHORNNO.2H.pdf (1.16 MB)

Thanks very much Charles! I've got a lot to learn. Tom