New Activity In The County

As I commented on the Nolan County forum, a cousin orig. from Loraine, said that there hasn't been any drilling anywhere so far. Is that true?

Dear MRF Peeps, In my efforts to contribute to your feelings of happiness and wellbeing in the oil & gas world, I want to let you know that on the Webb Lease today there is a roustabout gang building a tank battery with six 500 bbl tanks, a heater and a separator. Nice work FIREWHEEL!

Nothing new I could see on progression of a road or location on the Wallace Lease.

Trucks are transporting dirt moving equipment from the Scharlach to the Wulfjen Lease, supposed to start building that location in a few days...

Back to painting cow pens, Toni

Your roving oil and gas reporter

I am new to this forum, so I am unfamiliar with some of these locations. Toni can you help me find the leases you mention on the RRC Public GIS Map Viewer?

I don't know how to navigate that very well. I can tell you it's south of Loraine 4 miles, the SE/4 Sec 71 Blk 25 T&P Survey. Does that help you?

Good description. I see it. Thanks. I'm watching activity around Buford.

When are they going to get off their posterriors and frak the Webb well?

the firewheel consultant told us sometime next week

Bill said Devon's rig is moving onto the Scharlach Location. Good for those Scharlachs! Sec 19 Blk 13, 4 mi SW of Lake Champion. What a lovely day for a rig move. Clear and maybe 60 degrees.

Hello everyone! Well, first of all we have a retraction to make on a previous incorrect statement (sorry about that...). The rig Bill thought was headed to the Scharlach's Devon location must have driven on by, because yesterday we drove out there and it wasn't there. The location is ready and a large frac pit has been built. That's a pretty isolated road, you have to cross the river, and that was the only permitted location in the area, so we don't know where the heck they went. Maybe they cut across to hwy 163 and went to Sterling Co.

Saw that an 8" poly line is being constructed from near RedBank on the Spade ranch (county road 337) back east to Hwy 208 which goes toward the Mayse well (there was another load of 8 inch pipe across hwy 208 on the east side, which is about 3 miles from the Mayse. There were flags on both sides of 208, marking for a road bore). There is an existing Atmos pipeline in that area, several miles west of 208 on CR 337, a pad has been built at a pipeline loop, just off the county road. Bill thinks this will be a compressor station site. The location of this loop and pad is between the Mayse and Scharlach locations.

The Mayse well now has a workover rig and looks like they are starting to build the tank battery. The workover rig has many purposes at this stage, running tubing in the hole, getting ready to start flowback to the frac tanks. Another step closer to producing the well.

Work continues on the Wulfjen location for Devon. Supposed to spud in about 2 weeks, although I think Scharlach will get the next available rig.

Love, love, LOVE reporting happy news, and I hope you all ate too much turkey like I did.

The Colorado Record (sorry, is that supposed to be in italics or quotation marks) Newspaper had a nice write up with the headline Devon Energy Plans To Drill 30 Wells. The article says, according to Tim Hartley, spokesman for Devon, they plan to bring in 4 rigs within the next 10 months. It said Devon will spend in the neighborhood of $140 million on this exploratory process which will last through 2013. Also said they expect to use the 4 rigs to drill 30 wells at various depths with different lateral lengths, allowing them to find the optimal path for production.

Another article in the paper said Centurion Pipeline has started construction on a compression station near Colorado City. It said the station is located about 1 1/2 miles east on N Hwy 208 on County Road 143, (this is where Gary Chaney was talking about) and that about 5 acres was purchased and construction started about a week ago. Says that Centurion Pipeline is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corp.

The article says compression station, but then most of the rest of the article is talking about crude oil transportation and the Cline Shale Pipeline System, so its a little confusing, wouldn't compression station be gas?

This is the same company who purchased the existing 10" steel line that runs from a southwesterly to northeasterly course in the county, runs through our home place. They are currently refurbishing and re working it to transport oil.

It is going to be a compressor station on cr 143. I think the news paper was talking about two different pipelines. Someone is working on a pipeline over in scurry co. The line runs north west of China grove.