OCC well permits

Looks like that case 2024-001000 will be making a correction for the Miss above the Sycamore that was encountered in the Black Mesa 0505 3-10-2MX well. See paragraph 2.3 They will complete in it instead. Well count stays the same.

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DUCs will not be on frac focus because one cannot complete the well until it is fracked as part of the completion. Not sure how long the delay is in reporting, but a different one I was watching was posted and it was in the last two weeks.

To walk you through the website, here are some screen shots.

Hit “Find a well” and a map will pop up. It is not very easy to use the map, so I use the “Advanced” option,.

Select the “Advanced” option. Hit “Select JOBS” I put in Black Mesa and do see the first Black Mesa well. (I did find the Great Plains first well in the sections just to the west in 4 & 9)

Hit the Blue Well name or the “Disclosures” button and you can see a map, the amount of water used and the chemicals. I don’t bother with the chemicals, I just want to know if the well has been fracked or not. Wells usually show up here fairly quickly before they show up on the OCC well records list or on the OTC tax site. No guarantees that every operator is going to be timely…

PS, the Great Plains wells are also listed as DUCs. They spud back in mid December and were all over 20,000’ MD long. They may also have a delay due to low gas prices or just waiting on a frac crew. I wouldn’t be surprised if they used the same frac crew on both sets of wells since they are from the same operator and right next door to each other. Would save money to do them all in two sets of zipper fracs. Maybe someone who lives out there will report when the trucks show up!

Makes sense they would do both. I can’t imagine how much the base mobilization fee is for a fracking crew.

Location of the Great Plains wells. 4 tanks set and pipeline under construction. I don’t know if they have fracked the wells yet or not.

Don, that’s the first thing I’ve heard in months! Thank you so much for the information. Martha told me months ago to put on my patience pants, I’ve tried but the night before Christmas syndrome gets in the way of this old man!

Those tanks are looking good!

Are there any tanks over in section 9/4 for Black Mesa new wells?

Aren’t the wells on Section 10?

Yes, I was off a section. Sorry.

Black Mess East location. Cannot see the west location for all the trees since they have greened up. I think there are 8 tanks on the one location. Last pic is the pipeline construction.

Thank you, Don! I love it!

Martha, I got this in an email from OCC today. I am guessing this has something to do with the old Troini well drilled in the early 90s that is the subject of the increased density ruling Camino has been waiting on. Can’t tell if it was plugged or not. Anyway of finding out? 10-5N-5W Thank you.

NOTICE: Well Plugging

The response to Oklahoma’s expanded abandoned well plugging effort has been outstanding and we want to thank all involved. Unfortunately, both federal and state funds supporting the effort are now at minimum levels for this fiscal year which ends June 30, and we are unable to take new bids on projects. We will notify all interested parties when funding is again available.

I received the same email. I do not think they are linked. It is more of a generic notice to mineral owners.

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