Offer from BCF

Looking for feedback on BCF Minerals; are they a credible company? I have received an offer for $2,000/acre and I am suppose to own 1.3 total acres in Blaine County but have not received any royalty checks since May 2022. So, money in hand would be greatly beneficial at this time. Please give any feedback, good or bad when dealing with this company, thank you all for your research and support. Be safe and SMILE!

BCF is a buyer that sends out quite a few offers and has been buying for years. There are many similar companies.

In general, buyers often send out offers is they know something is about to happen. If you want to share your township and range, then folks on the forum can tell you more about potential activity in your area. Then you would be more informed before making a decision.

What’s the legal description? Is the offer per Net Mineral Acre or per Net Royalty Acre?

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