Oklahoma County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Peebly%20Road%20and%20Luther%20Road%20in%20Oklah%20007.jpg Thank you Ms Ann for getting back to me so quickly, I had to put a copy of the map on here to make sure I'm in the right neck of the woods. I found 13N, but it looks like Range1E is at the bottom of the map am I wrong? Can you give me some more pointers. I see Peebly Road and Luther Road but I also don't understand home they are numbered. I see 1 then 6 then i see 31 then 36 but I;m not for sure if i'm going left to right or up or down. Thank you for being patient with me.

Township numbering is like a snake. They only print 1, 6, 31 & 36.

The numbering goes 6 5 4 3 2 1,

7 8 9 10 11 12

18 17 16 15 14 13

19 20 21 22 23 24

30 29 28 27 26 25

31 32 33 34 35 36

On the map, right out from your thumb is West Fork. The "West" is your section.

When this map was made the road on the North part of your section was unpaved. There was an unpaved road halfway across the bottom of your section 21.

Thank you. B4 this is over with your going to be proud of me. On a serious note, my great grandfather had a lot of property, oil well, mineral rights and etc and I'm trying to find out what happened or who's still benefiting. I'm ready to shake my family tree so I really appreciate any help from people who know about this type of stuff. God Bless

Ann, how do you go to see what well are producing , using Oklahoma Corp. Commission, in Oklahoma County? Also, when they were drilled? Interested in Sec. 19 T11N R2W and Sec 19 T11N 3E.

Yes, OCC.


Near the top of the page, click on Divisions, then click Oil & Gas, then click databases, then click well browse database, then enter your info.

At some point you will be asked to download their free Jinitiator software. Its free & it's safe to download.

When you get a list of wells, click on the hour glass on the left. Then click to get the drilling permit, completion report and plugging reports.

After you click the hour glass, you can click on all images and it will give you a list of permit, completion etc. Click on each one for details.

You can soon memorize the most common forms. for example, the 1002A is a completion report.

Thank you. It is people like you that help make this site so useful. This way we all learn.

House Bill 2177 is being discussed in the Oklahoma House right now, and it impacts royalty owners. It's worth the time to read and listen to this.


Here's a question, would it be alright to list at least 10 mineral rights sites that my family own (owned) to see what's happen to them? Maybe this can help me get started in some type of direction because I'm truly lost.

Well since I'm on a roll this morning, I thought I would list a few now if y'all don't mind. These were (are) my great grandfather's Capp Jefferson Mineral Deeds. I don't know who's name they're in now.

1. Doc# 1930797965 Book: 106 Page: 155

Secton:4 Twnsp:14n Rg:1W

Call1:1 Call3:NE4 Call4:NW4

I would like t know the location, who's name its in, is it doing anything and some simple directions on how to look this up myself. Thanks in advance

Doc# 1932054087 Book: 184 Pg 514

Section: 9 Twnsp:14N Rg: 1W

Call1:1 Call3:NE4 Call4:NW4

:2 :SE4 :NW4

:3 :NE4 :SW4

:4 :SE4 :SW4

:5 :NE4 :SE4

:6 :SE4 :SE4


Doc# 1948084991 Book:1066 Pg:30

Lot:0 Block:30

also: Section:8 Twnsp:12N Rg:2W

Call1:1 Call3:NW4 Call4:NE4

Please tell my about the location, wh's name is listed and what's happening on this sit and simple directions on how to look it up. Thanks very much. My name is Brenda Lewis

In 6-29-1929 my grandmother Helen Jefferson Bolin sold #(5-8) (11& 12) (41& 4) IN Block5 in the Burtondale Addition to Oklahoma EXCEPT 1/128 interest in oil & gas mineral rights of egress (what is egress in simple terms) and ingress to said land & the rights to remove said stuff at the option of 1st party.

What does all this mean? Are the minerals rights owned by my grandmother today and whats the location and what's happening on this site, whats up with the Royalities?

Last one yall. (thanks)

Section:21 Twnsp:13N Rg:1E


Agnes Smith Lease# 84917

a division order was sent out with these known names on it:

Capp Jefferson: 1/8 x 3/40 RI (.0093750) my great grandfather

Helen Jefferson Bolin 1/8 x 1/40 RI (.0031250) my grandmother

Branch Jefferson 1/8 x 5/40 RI (.0015625) my great uncle

Koch Oil Company

P.O. Box 2256

Wichita, Ks 67201

I need to know what to do. I don't mean to be lazy but I really don't know what I'm doing and if I could get some simple anwsers where a little baby understands I might stand a chance of finding the needed information I'm seeking. Thanking all in advance for your kindness and patience with me. If you can email me that will be fine too. [email protected] God bless y

my email address is [email protected]

Can anyone tell me how I can find out what's happening with Military Well # 6, in Oklahoma County? The paper also says its the Lease name and opertaor was British Oil.

My aunt Helen Bolin Portman name along with my grandmother's name (her mother) Helen Jefferson Bolin is on the paper. In box me if u can because I'm still learning to work this site and may not see your answer soon. Thanks wonderful people.

Brenda 21-13N-1E the Angels Smith #1 was a completed well in1975 but is now plugged as all wells in that section are, plus no activity according to the OCC data base there since 1990. In 4-14N-1W,9-14N-1W and 8-12N-2W no activity since 1990 and all wells that were drilled were dry or either plugged. To find were these locations are located in Okla.. County you can goggle Maps and More and click on the Okla. County map and it will show the Townships with the sections and you should be able to find the area they are located in. To find deeds etc. you would have to go to the court house and check records for the areas you have listed or hire a landman to check this all out,