Wisindixie, A company is not wanting to lease your land to drill an uneconomic well which will not pay out. An individual or company which might speculate on your lease and offer you a better deal is not wanting to burn capital. I asked a question on this forum in the “Multiple companies leasing in an undivided section in Texas” thread. If I were you, I would contact one or more of the companies we have discussed and get information from professional, expert sources who likely can assuage/respond to your concerns. Also, I think leasing companies tend to initially send out low ball offers to scoop up low hanging fruit and go back and offer better deals to holdouts. But I have had a land company withdraw its offer during negotiations because the oil company cancelled the project. I could have had several thousand dollars I didn’t get had I just signed the mediocre lease and not pressed for additional protections. In your case, the risk is you would lose out on $20 on a five year lease?