Roosevelt County, MT - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


You may have an “Agreement to Lease” or Option to Lease. Read the document to answer your question about obligation for payment and timing.

Most require direct lineage; my cousin is going thru that; having to do a probate from 1995 when his mother passed away; what a hassle!

In response to T. Simard, my Oasis well is TN27N, Rn 58E, Secs 28,29 & 30. MOAG map shows it as only spudded, that’s where I was mistaken. It is drilled and producing with hopefully more to come. I am currently having to probate my mothers estate to receive anything. Heirship affadavits were acceptable with others, but not this one.

They are still catching up since they bought Brigham, if it is a good area they will make an offer, but oil companies are not handing out money like they did a few years ago…Montana is not the boom area all over like ND!

thanx for responses

Whats the scoop with leases entered into w Brigham Oil which co was bought out by Statoi Has Statoil shown any interest in renewing?


Where are your minerals located in Roosevelt County? This has a major impact on the interest in regards to renewing leases.

In a few different places and leased w Brigham on a continuing basis in the past several years broker w Brigham always contacted ahead of renewal date. just wondering if no contact by statoil rep by renewal date equals no interest

Anyone know the status of these drilling permits: Continental Resources (Appling 1-25H) and XTO Energy (Barr State 34X-21). Both map have been mapped for some time.

MR. Turner,

Division Orders and spud dates are not directly connected. If you have a division order for the first time, at least one well has been spudded, drilled, fracked, tested, is producing successfully, and your title determining your share of well revenue has been confirmed. All you have the right to do at this point is check the decimal interest on the division order against your title (leased acreage amounts usually don’t count) If correct, and you have a lease in hand, send the DO back and you will have check very soon (has nothing to do with the spud date) If you haven’t leased, be suspicious of the Division Order and know your rights before returning the DO.

Lucky You, Oasis is a very good operator but don’t spend any money until it has been in your back a while. IOW don’t become dependent on that monthly check. It will make your stomach hurt.

Does anyone have suggested language for leasing our land for agricultural uses, ensuring we retain the right to allow an oil company to access the property to drill?

NO; it varies by state; see your attorney; we won’t see much drilling for a few years anyway.

Want to wish everyone Happy Holidays! Be safe on the roads and enjoy!! The dip in oil prices is going to be interesting to follow from a lease holders vantage. I know producers are saying not to worry, but do we lease holders take a hit even if the producers are able to make money or break even?

Have I been “cold drafted”? Bank draft from Fort Worth came back unpaid. Was told a check would be sent via Fed Ex two weeks ago. Computer problems to blame I am told. Then told I would have a check a week ago-nope. I being told that due to idled rigs it is now more affordable to drill in Roosevelt & that Fort Worth is very busy thus they have not had time to send the bonus. Can anybody corroborate an uptick in activity by Fort Worth? Thanks, Tom

I have never leased to Ft Worth but I’ve never heard anything negative about them. I was thinking that their main area in the past was Sheridan County. At this stage, if you get a lease offer, strongly consider the terms as it might be a while before another comes along.

Any action in Roosevelt County; T27-R57 and /or T28-R57. Mineral Lease s expired in April 2015, have not been contacted by any company… Any one else haveing similar problem.??ick

Richard: Remember that when oil prices began to recover and for a solid stable condition, the sweet spots will be the prime targets for the onset. Roosevelt County has had a history of hit and miss wells but the targets will be concentrated on Richland or ND (Williams/McKinzie Counties). Even though Sheridan County has proven reserves, don’t think any activity will occur until oil fully recovers and stabilizes. In conclusion, we are still at least two years out in my opinion for any promising acitivity in these areas.

I don’t think we will see any leasing until oil goes up to the 80’s at least and looks stable. Finally this month the oil checks will look better as they run 2 months behind and previously had suffered the $35 a bbl for oil sold. The Saudis are meeting this week and may lose some control which would encourage higher prices. Right now there is NO meeting of the Oil Board scheduled for June which would approve new wells and all the variables; this the first time in many years we will NOT have one every other month if one is now scheduled soon for maybe LATE June!

They DID finally get some activity in the area, tho a big area, on the June Meeting…

I would like information about Kreken Oil, They have taken over production of a oil well in Roosevelt County Mt. Mearl