Seeking current leasing prices in Bakken

All I know is all the production companies or brokerage companies like phoenix holding llc are going around offering low leases to ordinary people like you and me and then they are taking it and flipping the profits from 15% to 50% and getting a huge commission and the other buyer or lessor gets 20% royalties I got offered 500 per net acre of my 320 acre 25 we’re supposedly net acres and 18.76 royalties 12500 that it’s some of the divide county property at auction sold for 12000 an acre. And of course we get to look at that publicly but for some reason they don’t want mineral owners to see what other mineral owners are getting.

That is from Williston information a guy on this chat form said to another girl Sara that you could see lease information for bonuses but you have to have $49.95 I’m was tired of looking at the state auction website because that is not a comparable way to figure out what any people like you or me should be getting for a bonus but that’s all the information it had on it just that report.

Why do you think it’s all held by production companies

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