Hi Gwen,
If you haven’t already checked out the NDIC website https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/ it’s a wealth of information.
On that site is a GIS Map. If you pull that up, and enter “find section” then enter your data T 135 R 99 S 29. Then click on zoom out, once. click on your parcel, which should show in green and it will better show you the Township/Ranges for that area. You can also click on “pan” to move map around.
You will note that your parcel is one T/R south (approx 6 miles) of where the rig is currently drilling. (rig is designated with a little green colored rig). The yellow dots within the T/R’s are permits of potential wells to be drilled.
On the right side of the GIS Map, there is an icon for drilling/spacing. If you click on that, it should highlight in pink, 4 separate spacing parcels that Marathon Oil is intending to permit and drill. Your acres are right next to one of the spacings to the west and another 2 miles to the east. A 3rd spacing unit to the north, within your T/R is also highlighted.
You’re in a great location if they find good production with the wells they intend to drill.
As to explain the T/R you will note on the GIS Map, each T/R is 36 sections, 6 across and 6 down. Each section is approx 1 mile x 1 mile, so each T/R is approx 6 miles x 6 miles. Variations of section sizes would vary along the north and west sections of each T/R due to curvature of the earths geography. each section holds approx 640 acres.
The T numbers are lowest at SD border, increasing each 6 miles with highest T numbers at the Canadian border.
The R numbers are lowest at MN border, increasing each 6 miles with highest R numbers at the MT border.
I hope that answers your question. If not I can try to find a website that would explain it more clearly. I do think you’ll understand much more, if you get familiar with the NDIC website and all it offers. Along with this Mineral Rights forum, you should learn much.
Good Luck,