Stephens County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Congrats, Hutch!!

Linda, I will take your advice on the taxes. So far 2 completion reports have been posted, looking pretty good!

Are the Poteets in the Woodford?

Yes, staggered between upper and lower Woodford. It’s about 400ft thick in that part.

Hal, What sections are those Ely wells in?


I also have overrides and minerals on XTO’s Foster and Marathon’s HK Doom. Talked with XTO last week; they said they are so far behind and no information probably for 6 months. Marathon gave me a case number on my leading questions and they would get back with me last week. Will attempt a follow up call in a few days. If and when I do get information I will share with you and all the folks in Stephens County. group.

Hutch…on the Poteets…you said they are staggered depths. Do you have an idea of separation of the two horizons?

Good morning everyone! Does anyone have an information about XTO’s Foster 1-29H spud 11/13/2014; and Clarence 1-29H28 spud date 10/25/2015? They are located in 29 1S 5W. Or the Marathon HK DOOM 1-19H located in 19 1S 4W? I haven’t received any letters from either XTO or Marathon and I was just wondering if anyone has gotten division orders or letters from these 3 wells.

David & Hal, Thank you for the update! I will try to do some digging also; and I will share if anything is new! Thank you again!

Thanks Vicki, it’s been like pulling teeth. These wells started spudding over a year ago.

K Dawn Bauer, Sec 25-1N-5W and Sec 36-1N-5W. Both are from Continental Resources. The property name they are calling it is ELY 1-25-36XH. It shows production for oil and gas.

Bob, I’m not really sure how to calculate these horizons but going by the permits, deducting the top of formation from t.v.d. they range between 190ft to 328ft and 345ft to 396ft. Probably not a very scientific method.

Jeff, I answered your message about sec 20, accidentally sent it twice. OK law says 6 months or pay interest, 12% if it’s their fault 6% if you have title problems. Our first well took 8 months, so we got the 12%.

Linda North side of sandhill is 10 and south side is 15.

Forgive me if this information is a repeat of some already on here but hubby brought this in out of the Oklahoman news.

Intent to Drill: Continental Resources, Vanarkel No.7-15-10XH Well. Pad on 10 2n4w TD 22,137

Completions: Stephens Co.: Marathon, Cruce No. 1-25H Well on 25-01N-6W, 10,855,000 cu-ft. gas per day; TD 19,550.

Newfield, Mashburn No. 2H-33X WEll on Sec. 4, 2n4w, 751 bbls oil, 8,235,000 su ft gas per day; TD 21,960

Continued next post so I don’t type it all and then not be able to get it to post…

Thinking that the Varnarkel No. 7 well mentioned below might be the rig that is already up and drilling for at least a couple of weeks now. It sits right north of the first Varnarkel that I knew of but since it’s numbered number 7 there must be some more Varnarkel siblings somewhere or at least in the planning. If that rig is sitting on section 10 then section 10 must start closer to highway 29 than I thought which must mean section 15 is divided by highway 29, huh??? What are they trying to do, confuse me??? No very hard thing to do!!! lol

Thanks for update, Linda. IP numbers on Mashburns is encouraging. Is the Varnarkle 7 currently drilling?

In all of your experience, How long does it usually take to get disbursements once a well is completed and producing?

Completions: Newfield, Mashburn No 3H-33 Well on sec. 4, 2n4w, 995 bbls. oil per day , 1,436,000 cu. ft. gas per day, TD 22,487.

Mashburn No. 4H-33X well on 4, 2n4w, 657 bbls oil per day, 1,436.000 cu. ft. gas per day, TD 22,487.

I believe the first Mashburn well was drill from Mashburn’s land on Section 33 in Garvin Co. but it looks to me like the others have been drilled from section 4 in Stephens so don’t know if they got a better price on the pads there are just decided that was the best way to drill. Looks like they got some really good well whichever!

Bob Titley, I based that on a CLR presentation but no actual footage’s. Some of the well surveys have been posted but I haven’t taken a good look at them yet.