Stephens County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Poteet #9 completion report

any completion info on the Kelly wells? 11 2N 4 W

I havent heard any news on those in a while. they spudded back in September…

Hubby Rigtracker brought me in a clipping from the Oklahoman this morning that had a Poteet well as well as some more wells (don’t believe there were any Kelly wells in it) but I’ve misplaced it. Believe the Poteet #7 was the one listed but it could have been 9. Still looking for it and will report if I find the darn thing. lol

Linda, yes they are all around 60deg. Trying to count down but got 3 more comp reports to go.

Rick and all,

The landman also told me that Newfield will definitely be drilling and that they are about to seek force pooling. How reliable do you suppose that info is? Karen

Does anyone know what is the status of leasing, bonuses, royalties, drilling, and/or force pooling in the areas of

Sec.16 and 28 of 2N 5W.

I am hearing rumors that have the numbers all over the map and that Newfield is on the verge of force pooling. Anyone know if it’s true?

M Barnes,

Are your interests right in the same area as ours? If so, and if you learn of anything higher being offered, PLEASE POST IT HERE! :slight_smile:

On the Gross Production System site, they show 4 of the Kelly wells active as of late March, but no sales yet.

Vanarkel spud

Kelly 2H-11X

1476 BBL/Day

3576 MCF/Day

Yes, John there are a couple of rigs up down there. Probably the ones Gary listed.

Thanks Linda and Gary. I saw the spud notices on OCC, but didn’t know if they were actually drilling. Looks like I need to make a trip down there for some photos.

Thanks! So easy when you know what to do. :slight_smile:


I received an offer from Lowry Land leasing for Continental for $750 3/16. Another from Energy Lease (A Hal Smith company) leasing for $1200 3/16 or $1000 1/5 (more than likely Newfield) . This is in the last 2 weeks and based on initial offer letters only. I sent you a friend request about 2 months ago about this section. In the current environment, it it hard to gauge what a good price is, but I haven’t even bothered to call them about the offers they sent me. I echo Martha’s thoughts on Continental and Marathon battling for the major share.

“Newfield on the verge of force pooling” is unlikely in the way I use the term. It sounds more like a tactic being used to persuade you to lease. When they file a pooling application, then they may be on the verge of pooling. However, as we have been seeing the last few months, even that doesn’t mean it will get pooled. I can even begin to count how many pooling dismissals I have seen in Stephens County alone.

Rick H. Could you send me a new friend request? I was going to send you one, but there are several Rick Howells on facebook and I’m not sure which one is you. Thanks.

Are any of the Vanarkel wells drilling in 15-2n4w?

M Barnes, Thanks for the response and links. Now if we can only figure out what those maps actually MEAN! :slight_smile:

Rick Howells, Thanks for your response, too. The higher offer that I got was from a man named Joe Kantowski who said he works for (or with?) Hal C. Smith and Assoc. out of Norman OK. He said that Newfield is one of their clients, and that he is approaching me on their behalf. As to Marathon, it seems that they have let a number of their leases in that area go without renewing. As to the friend request, I apologize. I have not been very active on facebook, or any computer stuff for that matter. I will try to send you a friend request. Thanks!

Karen, click on Ricks’s profile picture and it takes you to his page. Click “add as friend”.

Thanks for the info on the Kelly wells!

I was sure hoping to see some DOs from them soon… lol