Tax On Imported Oil

That is why supplies are so plentiful that prices have retreated from $100 per bbl to $30. Admit it, you got what you asked for, drill baby drill, and it increased the supply from 5 million bbl/d in 2008 to 8.7 million bbl/d in 2014. Supply and demand, that is how free markets work. Maybe some people only want free markets when in benefits them.

Jimmy Carter did very stupid things and is still alive and keeps trying! Just remember these things:

1. He got the Nobel Peace Prize! Obama got the Nobel Prize as he took office! Martin Luther King got it. Mandella Got it! Giving the Nobel Prize to people like this degrades the award!

2. Carter gave us the 55 mile an hour speed limit!

3. He took the cap off of interest rates. Limits of 10% on business loans went to 21% within 6 months.

4. He stopped US oil from being exported, YET he did not stop Opec Oil being brought here to the U.S. to be refined and then shipped out of the US and let us eat the resulting pollution!

5. The list of problems he caused was endless.

6. He allowed the EPA to grow and choke the country!

Your statements are sometimes contradictory and show your bigotry. You mister mineral owner are what is commonly known as a crackpot.

How could you forget the loss of the Panama Canal? Carter signed the treaty that eventually turned the canal back to Panama. It is now operated by Hutchinson Whampoa, a Red Chinese controlled company.

And what about the betrayal and eventual murder of Anastasio Somoza Debayle.

Nicaragua fell into the hands of Marxists, and everyone suffered.

Electric cars will work on small islands and small countries. If you drive more that a hundred miles in Israel, you will have more problems than an exhausted battery. For most, an electric automobile will not work. You can go sixty miles away, but then you have to head home. And if you use the air conditioner you are out of luck.

A lot of our current woes are due to the Keynsian Economics. We have a currency that is backed up by nothing. It is a house of cards. Fiddling with the money supply has now given us a zero interest rate, and in some countries a negative interest rate. There is no incentive to save.

Say what you will, but the Smoot Hawley tariff saved our factories. They were there when we needed them.

I see GE has sold their appliance business to Haier, a Chinese company. We could buy Haier air conditioners cheaper than the cost to ship them from China. That sounds like dumping to me.

The Chinese have bought the Chicago Stock Exchange. Let's see what comes of that.

Carrier is moving to Mexico. Who owns the controlling interest in that company?

We all are entitled to our opinions and the right to voice those opinions.

This Somoza, "Since the Nicaraguan people are no more than oxen, they don't need schools. What they need is hard work, not education."

'Somoza also allegedly was selling Nicaraguan blood plasma abroad, at the time of the earthquake, when medical supplies, including blood products, were desperately in short supply.'

'The Somoza family was an influential political dynasty who ruled Nicaragua as an authoritarian family dictatorship from 1936 to 1979'

as for #3 and interest rates

1978 The US Supreme Court decides that national banks may export the state interest rate law of their home state into any state where they do business. In response, South Dakota eliminates its interest rate caps. Several credit card issuing banks move to South Dakota and operate nationally with no interest rate cap.

Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis vs. First of Omaha Service Corp. The case not only changed the law, but also became a light-bulb moment for the industry, setting it on a 30-year path that deeply affected state economies and Americans' debt levels.

Has anyone read War is a Racket by Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler a two time Congressional Medal of Honer winner?

It will never happen while Obama is in office, guess we have to wait until January, he is the most horrible president ever!

Except of course for the one who was Commander in Chief on 9/11/2001. Or the one who lied us into a Middle East war. Or the one who was in charge when the economy collapsed in the Great Recession in 2007 - 2009.
