Completion Reports
Completion Reports
June 29, 2016
September 06, 2016
September 16, 2016
November 01, 2016
November 03, 2016
I was just contacted by a "Petroleum Landman" from Tex-Brit concerning drilling rights in Terry County. I didn't know my relatives had property there. Anyway, is there any information on this? I have the documents I'm supposed to sign and there is a description. E/2 of Section 16, Block 4X A-474
David the RRCommission shows that COG drilled a well(API 445-32330) next door in 2012 called the "Red Headed Stranger' and the status of the well is now 'Plugged Oil Well'. I don't see any production any where close to your A-474 minerals.
GIS Map of Terry County A-474/Block 4X/Section 16 and surrounding area:
Clint Liles
Thank you. That's more information than I had before and very helpful. At least now I know WHERE it is. No telling when or if they'll start drilling. Thanks again.
the last information I find on the 'Red Headed Stranger' well next door was that it is a 'SHUT IN PRODUCER'
Clint Liles
Interesting. So that well is capable of producing but for whatever reason, they're not pumping or are pumping at a reduced capacity, if I understand the term correctly.
After a Recompletion was done on 08/15/2012 this well test showed 16 BOPD/20,000 MCF gas per day. This well was not economical to produce and it is called a 'Shut-in-Producer'.
Clint Liles
Not economical to produce. And my relative's lease is "next door". Doesn't sound good. Okay, thanks for your research and time spent.
Not economical to produce at $45 per barrel. When the last oil boom came to the area, the futures markets for oil were up to $108 per barrel. So at $100 plus per barrel, a 16 BOPD well is profitable, but who knows when we will see that again.
So nothing may come of our lease for some time. Thanks.
If someone has contacted you about a possible lease that's a good sign.
There are possible other producing formations/zones in this area.
Clint Liles