Thoughts on Negotiations

Many States have online resources which allow you to see permit/production activity. List the State for more help on this forum. There are also online “pay” sources. You will not be very productive with a contact of this nature with a company.

I was just venturing a clarification of what he was saying. You can negotiate it in your OGL to receive any copies of the title documents supporting their title opinion. Nothing in this world is free, but if they dont have their title opinion organized by mineral owner, thatd be pretty silly on their part. They dont have to furnish it to you unless you negotiated that, but lets not pretend its asking them to move mountains either.

Lets define the issues. If a company has A in the title, then D comes along and says that they own it (D being an heir of A), then it is the minerals owner’s responsibility under the lease to provide the documents linking the title. The company is not obligated to periodically check to see who has died and who is survived by whom. Many of the questions on this forum come from owners who are inheriting interests from owners two or three generations back.

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Hi, Thanks

In my case, it’s Golden Valley, ND

Steve, DSTO and DOTO are organized by each tract in the unit. Within each tract there is the finding of who is the holder of the various oil and gas rights and whether they are subject to an OGL or other interests. They will also determine any NPRI, ORRI or any other interest derived from the oil and gas rights. Surface issues are also addressed. The DOTO is not an abstract, but is based upon examination of various records which can include abstracts. Division orders are developed from the opinion so it must be well organized. Opinions are expensive. It is my experience they are rarely shared with owners; however, the related title curative requirements may be shared. In some cases, a landman may share a limited chain of title from a takeoff in order to secure an OGL.