@ M Barnes how do you look up leases at the Court House?
I don’t know. We are still trying to find out what we own. We know we own minerals in Sec 15, 16 17, 22 and what ever the numbers are just north and west of I35 and Hwy 9. Todco says we own 100% of minerals in Section 17. They must be wrong. They told us our father, Carl Lamar, had all the minerals in Sec 17 or 18.
Hazlette farr said:
@ M Barnes how do you look up leases at the Court House?
You can look up some of the records on www.okcountyrecords.com. How far back the records go will depend on the county. If there are multiple owner or legal descriptions, a search may not reveal all of the records. It is a good place to start, but it may require a visit to the court house to inspect the index books. To look at the records on okcountyrecords you will need to subscribe and pay a monthly fee, but you can see listing for the record for free. There is a $1 per page fee to print or save the document, which will be the same in all of the court houses I have visited.
Thanks, Rick. I’m going to try that this evening.