Don have you read any updates on the final orders on this well? I do not see where it was actually approved and it’s been since July 13th.
SW/4 and S/2 NW/4 of Section 13 6N 5W
Don have you read any updates on the final orders on this well? I do not see where it was actually approved and it’s been since July 13th.
SW/4 and S/2 NW/4 of Section 13 6N 5W
No orders yet. Do you know how to watch for them on the new Electronic search site. Let me know if you need the link.
Is this where I check Case Document Search? I have been there and entered the cause numbers as you said but where will it show if is approved?
Electronic Case Filing next to the Case Document Search. More Information there. You have to register, but then you can keep up with the case.
When the order comes out, it will be listed in the list of documents. The Order number will be shown. I have noticed that this new system is taking a LONG time to post.
Don I must be doing something wrong because when I go to the EFO I cannot get it to go any farther than showing me my information I completed upon registering. Won’t allow me to search any documents. I was wanting to check on the 2022-002299 case, like you did for me before to see if any approval has been granted through the courts. Any chance you could look again please. Thank you for all your help.
I do not see an order yet. The Exhibits are posted as of July 12.
M. Barnes is that a reasonable time frame for these kind of things once filed? I have no idea. Thank you for your help.
@Vickey1956 Not sure why you cannot access the system if you are registered. You may need to call them (OCC) and see if they can get you in. As far as your pooling case goes, I have noticed that some orders seem to take quite a while. Don’t know why. There is a pooling order for one of my sections that was recommended on July 19 (the week after yours). An order has not been issued on it yet either. I am subscribed to both cases to be notified of any OCC activity.
Assistance with ECF is available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, except for legal holidays. Call 405-521-2352
The time used to be a couple of days. Now it is taking much longer. When you call the ECF, ask them and then report back! Especially on pooling, the timing is of concern.
M.Barnes, I almost forgot she said this is a new system and is actually much faster than the old one.
M. Barnes, I called the ECF and was told the order was not done by the Attorney as of yet. They are waiting on them, on cause 2022-0002299. She said at the most it only takes a week or 2 if all is done correctly. She suggested I call and ask but I wasn’t sure if I should do that. This has been since July 12 she said. She said if it was done she has not seen it and she is who puts out the final orders, she said it only shows Records Open and Merits Recommended so they are waiting on them to do what the judge requested.
Good to know she is the correct person to call! Keep that number in your “Important list”. You should also get a mailing when the order comes out.
Don, I finally managed to get into ECF lol. I think it was because I was trying to access it through my phone, so I went to my computer and did all as you said to do, I also was able to sign up for subscriptions as well. Thank you for all your help. If it were not for you and M. Barnes I would still be lost.(more so than now) It appears they are waiting for Casillas attorney to reply so I was told. This really is like watching paint dry!!
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