Licensed Petroleum Engineer, Certified Mineral Appraiser, and Owner of Pecan Tree, Inc
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PecanTreeOG
Need minerals valued? We made the Kelly Bluebook of minerals. Our on-demand, independent, engineering-based valuation site: https://www.PecanEstimate.com/
Or for more info and other services: www.PecanTreeOG.com
- Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, PE# 132654
- Certified Mineral Appraiser (issued by IIMA), #2020-06
- Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Southern California 2014
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from University of Texas 2008
Specializing in:
- Reserves Evaluations & Appraisals
- Reservoir Engineering
- Production Engineering
Geographic areas of experience: Spent 8 years with an operator with unconventional assets in the Anadarko Basin (Texas Panhandle, Western Oklahoma), along with 5 years conventional experience in Shelf GOM and West Texas carbonate waterflooding.
Memberships: Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Institute of Mineral Appraisers, National Association of Royalty Owners, Austin Women in Oil & Gas (Vice President)
Previously with Jones Energy (2012-2020) and Chevron (2005-2012).
Eph 3:16-19