7 N 60 W LEASE TERMS May 2013

Hi, I think an objective determination of bonus rates and royalty rates can be found on the weld county website. Go there to see what rates they have received from auctioning their land. Some of the bonus amounts are $2500 to $2750/acre with a royalty of 25%. They have posted their leases and while the bonus amount has been redacted out, the royalty amount is there. You can also see which companies bid on the leases and what the winning bid amounts were. Go to this link: https://www.co.weld.co.us/Departments/Purchasing/CurrentRequests/Oil&GasLeases-BidsandTabulations.html

Some of the users of this forum have said that they got a bonus of $400/acre and a low royalty. While that may be true a lot has changed since 2011. You would be giving away the farm if you got so little. The oil co's would be getting a steal. Hope that helps.