Eagle Ford Shale This is the Eagle Ford Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Barnett Shale This is the Barnett Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Tuscaloosa Marine Shale This is the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Mancos Shale This is the Mancos Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Fayetteville Shale This is the Fayetteville Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Saskatchewan Bakken Shale This is the Saskatchewan Bakken Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Monterey Shale This is the Monterey Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Wolfcamp Shale This is the Wolfcamp Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Niobrara Shale This is the Niobrara Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Woodford Shale West TX & NM This is the Woodford Shale West TX & NM category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Avalon (Leonard) Shale This is the Avalon (Leonard) Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Utica Shale This is the Utica Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Atoka Shale This is the Atoka Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Smithwick Shale This is the Smithwick Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Cline Shale This is the Cline Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Bakken Shale This is the Bakken Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Haynesville Shale This is the Haynesville Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Cana Woodford Shale (AKA Anadarko Woodford) This is the Cana Woodford Shale (AKA Anadarko Woodford) category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Marcellus Shale This is the Marcellus Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news. Woodford Shale This is the Woodford Shale category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news.