Hi, received a call to purchase mineral rights in this section. Does anyone have any info about this area? Anyone have any info on the company Pro Minerals? Any help would be appreciated! J. Bird
JoAnn, during this price downturn, there are lots of companies out there trying to get minerals for low prices. Parts of Kingfisher and Blaine counties are very popular right now. Any time you get a call to purchase your minterals, someone thinks they can make a profit. Pro Minerals is one of many companies I get letters from. I puy them in my files and watch how the offers go up over time.
There is horizontal drilling to the north of you and to the south of you, so if you do not need to sell right now, then I would definitely hold out. If you do need to sell ( or at least some), then that is a further discussion and there are some strategies to use to get a better deal.
That area is as hot as anywhere right now considering the price bust. If you need a lawyer I would recommend Katie Schneiter in Kingfisher. If you are unleased by all means lease don't sell. If you are held by production as most of that area is check out the status of the producing well. Some of them aren't doing anything but holding the lease. Offers to buy as far as I know are 5-10 thousand per acre depending on various factors. B Trosper
Thank you for the info, I will definitely do some more research!
Thank you for the info! Do you have a contact number for Katie? I am still checking on some things but it would help having a lawyer in the area. Thanks again!
I am very familiar with this area and would be happy to help you with any questions you may have. In the meantime below is a link to our company website. This may be able to assist in answering some of your questions. I agree with Mr. Barnes many people are out trying to lure mineral owners with "low-ball" offers, so you must be careful. Please let me know if you have any questions,as stated I would be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,
Ryan Williams
(432) 638-6185