Thought I'd create a place to post info as new permits are filed. Below are all 2012 drilling permits for northern Rosebud County. I'll also include some other info. However, this is not everything. So please feel free to post anything I missed, or anything you can add to the info on locations or wells in the county. I'll create this reference using the following format:
Dates, Company name, Well name,
Locations, Proposed depth
2-2-2012, Fidelity Res., Kincheloe 11-23H
T12N, R32E, Sec 23: nwnw, 9,576'
2-8-2012, Fidelity Res., Nefsy 44-2H
T11N, R33E, Sec 2: sese, 10,473'
2-22-2012, Fidelity Res., Coffee 31-2H
T10N, R33E, Sec 2: nwne, 9,657'
5-7-2012, Fideltiy Res., Sun Coulee 24-14H
T9N, R34E, Sec 14: sesw, 9,580'
6-22-2012, Fidelity Res., Grebe 31-33H
T11N, R33E, Sec 33: nwne, 9,676'
"DRY HOLE", Cirque Resources, Rock Happy 33-3H
T11N, R32E, Sec 33:nenw, 5,420'
"DRY HOLE", Cabot Oil & Gas, Garnet 1-27H
T12N, R31E, Sec 27: swse, 7,805'
Spud 9-9-2011, Central MT Resources, Zeus 1H-13
T11N, R34E, Sec 13: sesw, 8,750', Confidential
Spud 9-27-2011, Central MT Res., Poseidon 1H-5
T12N, R35E, Sec 5: ss, 8,750', Confidential