Approximately 1 million oil and gas workers have now lost their jobs over the past 18 months. This needs to be reversed immediately.
The price of oil is being artificially depressed by OPEC countries and others. Saudi Arabia is the primary enemy of US oil domestic production.
The United States government needs to support domestic oil and gas exploration as a matter of obvious national security and other reasons which I will enumerate below.
My proposal is the United States government immediately impose an import tariff on all imported oil equal to the difference between $65 and the current crude oil spot price for West Texas Intermediate.
The following are the positive results of our government supporting domestic production in this way.
1. At current pricing, the federal government will collect approximately $35 per barrel for every barrel of imported oil. This would certainly help offset the dollars that we are currently spending in the Mid East to keep those foreign supplies of oil in production.
2. This will allow domestic production pricing to be elevated at a point close to the value of the imported oil including the tariff.
3. This will allow the federal government to also collect a higher royalty amount on federal properties, which would at current pricing essentially more than double the federal government’s current royalty revenue.
4. By allowing domestic oil's value to increase in price, oilfield workers will be put back to work and taken off of the unemployment rolls and the under employment rolls. Oilfield workers are generally paid very well and there will be a two-pronged benefit to the federal government because (a.) higher income tax is collected and (b.) federal subsidies in the amount of unemployment payments will stop.
5. By allowing domestic oil’s value to increase in price, the banking industry will acquire far fewer "special assets", which they do not want to acquire in the first place. This also firms the balance sheets of lending banks.
6. For allowing domestic oil’s value to increase in price, the oil companies and their halo industries will have fewer bankruptcies and being a position of making profit and paying corporate income tax.
7. The increase in exploration which will clearly come about will inject money in the form of bonus payments, rental payments and royalty payments into local economies. The additional benefit is that those injected dollars will be spent locally can support local businesses. In addition, the bonus and delay rental payments are taxed as ordinary income on federal taxes.
8. The severance taxes paid to the States by the oil companies will essentially, at today’s pricing, more than double and allow the states to have a better balance sheet and provide essential services without increasing taxes (if that state has a state income tax).
9. The counties also tax oil companies and royalty owners annually on the value of the asset. To increase the domestic price of oil will also increase the asset value and those dollars will flow directly to the counties, school districts, etc.
There is essentially no downside to this proposal for the American public. It will even go so far as to encourage alternative energy initiatives, because at the depressed price for hydrocarbons it is economically very difficult for green energy or alternative energy to compete.
I have searched the internet and have found no proposal that addresses the foregoing. Surely there must be some think tank somewhere who have considered this concept, but I have not seen one.
The American economy can not allow this abuse to our domestic energy industry to continue.
There is essentially no downside to this proposal for the American public. It will even go so far as to encourage alternative energy initiatives, because at a depressed price for hydrocarbons, it is essentially uneconomic for green energy or alternative energy to compete.
The American economy cannot allow this abuse to our domestic energy industry to continue.
I am sending this proposal to every presidential candidates' campaign headquarters.
If you agree that the foregoing makes sense, please comment and share this message to all of your friends. Please send this message to your congressman. Please send letters to the editor of your local newspapers. Please send letters to your state representatives. Please send letters to your local representatives.
Thank you for reading and considering my proposal.
R. D. Cotten
Cotten Oil Properties