Newfield had drilled a well “B & H M U E G G E N B O R G 1 4 0 6”
in SECTIONS 25 AND 36, TOWNSHIP 14 NORTH, RANGE 6WEST, CANADIAN COUNTY, OKLAHOMA approximately 4 years ago. They indicated that they would be adding wells but have not done so yet.
I spoke to the oil company a year ago and they indicated that we were on the drilling schedule for the year 2030. Have you seen any increased activity where you believe they will drill multiple wells in the near future?
Drilling schedules can change due to market conditions. Ovintiv (Newfield) has infill well permits in 14N-7W and in 13N-6W, so they are still actively working in the area.
2030 is a long time away. Its the main problem I see for us mineral owners in the multi well horizontal age, we think we are getting multiple wells within a year or 2 and the money will be rolling in, but the companies seem to just say that and move on to the next well to complete their drilling plan/infills for the area (they have to drill leased units set to expire first with a set number of drilling rigs/budget for the year, so only so much they can do). And then after they get a large area drilled, only a handful of those units in the area end up with multiple wells drilled due to the results/economics etc, leaving us owners wondering and ticked off.