Activity in this Area

How strong is activity in this block:

N/2 of Section 26, Block 32, T1N, T&P RR Co. Survey, Howard County, Texas.

Has anyone received offers or worked with ES3 Minerals out of Austin Texas? They are contacting family member’s with offers.


I’m assuming the offers you mentioned are to sell and that you are currently in leases with SM that is held by production from wells they completed in 2016. SM permitted several other wells there in 2017 that were never drilled.

Below is what the Railroad Commission’s map currently shows, The north half of your section is outlined in red. I’m guessing the increased interest in your area relates to the bunch of long lateral wells circled in green that Callon (now owned by APA/Apache) permitted in March, 2024 in the section that joins you on the west, and ones circled in blue that Surge, the Chinese owned company, permitted in 5/24 the next section further west. No completion reports filed on those yet but they’ll be coming.

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