Activity near Ottine?

We have been approached to sell 200+ acres on CR 257 a few miles south of Ottine. We have 50% minerals and executive rights. We have been asked to split the remaining mineral rights (25% buyer, 25% seller). Any ideas about the value of the mineral rights? It appears the land is barely in the oil window, but there has been no leasing/drilling activity near us yet.

I have googled the following phrase before and it appears there are companies that can assist you or at least point you in the right direction

free evaluation of mineral rights value

Other results from this search describe the valuation process which may also assist.

Howdy, I have found something may be of interest to you. Here is a great library of maps of the EagleFord.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&cad=b&sei=Y1lmUODIGYe69QT1jIGYDw

The EagleFord may not be the only gas and oil reservoir under or near your property. There is great interest in also the Buda, Pearsall, and Edwards stratas. My opinion is the greatest mistake a lot of people make is selling their mineral interest. I personally have instructed my wife and children to never sell any mineral interest they my inherit unless it is a life or death situation. There is an old saying in Texas, "Never sell your minerals." I subscribe to that.

Don't even consider selling, but, if you get in a bind and need money you should know that just south of you near Smiley the rate runs as high as $20,000. an acre. Again I have to stress that you should not sell because allmost all of Gonzales county is in the play now, it may be a while but sooner or later they, the oil companies, will be after your property big time.


If you haven't executed a lease yet, please contact me at your convenience. I have been contracted to secure lease packages for a major player in the area and would be very interested in speaking with you. Feel welcome to message me directly at at your convenience.


David Aaron Pina, J.D.

Title Specialist/ Lease Acquisition Agent