Adams County Oil and Gas Regulations

Hey everyone, if you own minerals in Adams County, they are crafting their oil and gas regulations and to say the least, they are way to restrictive! It could greatly deter or delay drilling. I would suggest you contact the Adams County- Ms. Katie Keefe Environmental Program Manager, Adams County 4430 S. Adams County Parkway Brighton, CO 80601

Let your voice be heard! Minerals are worthless unless developed!

Yes these news laws are essentially making people’s minerals worthless. It’s sad, a lot of families depend on that money or have invested a lot into them . This is really going to hurt Colorado , and me personally

Once Mineral Owners are damaged due to “Local Control” denying rights to extract, then Mega Law Suits will fly and These Localities including the COGCC will be on the hook for billions in damages. BILLIONS!

I’v had 3 offers now on my mineral rights in the last 6 months. I live out of the state are really know nothing about what the value is or could potentially be. This is inherited mineral rights and the well is named after my ancestors. Can someone tell me if there is going to be activity on my mineral/oil well in Adams County? Sect 1 Township 1 South, range 68 west. Adams county Co The offers keep going up and now I have wondered about this since I haven’t received royalty checks in at least 3 years. I thought the well dried up??