Affidavit of Heirship Help

In 2017, a landman contacted me and I signed a lease for 6.66 acres in section 15, township 06N, Range 02W, McClain County. BP has drilled a well but wants me to file an affidavit of Heirship to get paid. Doing research with the help of this web site, I have learned that my wife’s father inherited 5 parcels from his mother. His mother died in 1972. The estate was just probated 2018. My wife’s father died in 1987, my wife died in 1989 and his wife died 2000. He had no will. His wife had a will, which left everything to me. That will was probated in Kentucky. My father in law and mother in law were only married once and were married at the time of his death. My wife was there only child. Will I need to do an affidavit only for my father in law or will I have to do one for him and then one for my mother in law? Can I include all five parcels on one affidavit? I hope I made this situation clear

you can reference any and all properties on an affidavit… shoot me an email if you want a .doc template to use

I would appreciate a template. I can’t use the one BP sent me. Thanks