Is the plat that’s listed on the RRC completions website which says “Final As-Drilled Allocation Well Location” the one I should use to calculate my interest? And is the following formula correct for calculating an allocation well interest in Texas:
[Lateral length of my tract / total combined lateral length of all tracts] x [NMA’s owned / gross acres in my tract] x [royalty rate]
When I use this formula for each of the 8 wells on my Division Order I come up with anywhere from .000068574 to .0001464288 more for each well than what’s listed under revenue interest on the Division Order. Not a large difference but why would it be off at all and why in such varying amounts from well to well? As far as I know there’s never been any dispute over what I own within my tract. And the same three tracts are included in all 8 wells with none of the plats showing any no perf zones.