Annoyed: Being an Robber Baron

Being an oil tycoon is not nearly as glamorous as I thought it would be. :unamused:

As a first generation mineral rights mogul, I had to acquire my own leases & parcels, etc., and pretty much learn everything from scratch.

no one gave me anything, except a hassle.

I don’t feel like Rockefeller, yet, tho. I do like doing the research, it’s very interesting.

But it still feels like regular work…when do I get to smoke a cigar and pluck my suspenders and stomp around barking orders at people like I’m a big deal???

Big shots are nothing more than little shots that kept on shooting.


If you’re posting as an anonymous poster on an online forum, i’m going to go ahead and say never haha.

Settle down, Tiger Mike. This might not be the space for you.


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