Antero Resources

I’ve tried to reach Antero several times and they never respond. My family has rights to 3 units in Tyler County WV. Mysis Unit 1H,2H & 3H. How do I revoke their rights? I’ve sent this to them in writing and not response. How do i find out who is actually drilling on the property? Thank you

Welcome to the forum.

Have you sent your questions by certified mail return receipt to their division order department? Keep a copy of your letter and the green card. Have you followed up with a phone call and an email to their owner’s contact email?

Antero is still listed as the operator of those three wells. (Unless they have recently sold them.) The three wells look normal in their production and decline. Not sure what your exact question is, but some companies in Appalachia have cut back on their production while gas prices are low to protect both the operators and the royalty owners from wasting resources during the time frame.

If you have a valid lease contract with Antero for drilling and operations, then you generally cannot revoke their rights as operator without a very good reason that is spelled out in the contradt.

If you have a particular question, someone on the forum that is familiar with the area may be able to answer.

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