We have mineral right on T25S R23E section 4. Roughly 298.18 acres, are last lease was with AERA energy, and currently search for a reputable company. My brother and I are some what new to the oil and gas industry as we inherited the minerals 2 years ago wesmendoza22@gmail.com any help or info is greatly appreciated!! -Wesley
Welcome! If you are looking to lease your minerals the best place to start is with a landman. Landmen are independent contractors for oil companies looking to lease in areas that the companies are interested in. Therefore, a landman could help you in finding out if there are any oil companies seeking leases near your land.
I do note, however, that if such companies are looking, the landmen will typically find you to inquire about leasing. To ensure that they find you, make sure that the title you inherited is documented in the Kern County Records.
Good luck!